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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Xinhua's new building to tower above all

    2010-04-26 08:12

    The National Financial Information Building is set to become the tallest in Beijing, extending 360 m and edging past the capital's highest structure - the 74-story China World Trade Center III - by some 30 m.

  • The deadly danger of 'seckill'

    2010-04-23 07:45

    Malls and supermarkets are being strongly urged to stop organizing so-called seckill sales over fears that people could become seriously hurt in the melee they sometimes cause.

  • Fake goods worth 88m yuan are confiscated

    2010-04-23 07:45

    Beijing customs confiscated more than 190,000 items of pirated goods, worth more than 88 million yuan, last year.

  • Door closing on rising house prices

    2010-04-22 10:36

    The cost of real estate in the capital will likely start to fall in the fourth quarter, housing market analysts are predicting.

  • Highwire bidders slow to step out

    2010-04-22 10:31

    A plan by management of the National Stadium to solicit bids for naming rights to a highwire acrobat's two-month stunt is teetering.

  • Gold rush amid market fluctuations

    2010-04-22 10:26

    Beijing investors have come down with a severe case of gold fever, ever since the stock market was hit with recent fluctuations and in light of expectations of a falling property market.

  • Valuable artworks at affordable prices come to Sanlitun

    2010-04-22 07:58

    The Orange in Sanlitun Village will be transformed into a pop art space this weekend when the Affordable Art Beijing (AAB) takes center stage.

  • Cultural awakening for director of art museum

    2010-04-22 07:58

    "Can you hear running water?" asked Wang Limei, director of the Beijing World Art Museum, as she walked into the exhibition hall showcasing Mesopotamian culture.

  • Taiwan doctors open their first traditional clinic

    2010-04-21 07:55

    The first Chinese medicine clinic staffed only by doctors from Taiwan has opened in the city.

  • 'Pink cloud' to brighten city's core

    2010-04-21 07:55

    A new splash of natural color is coming to the downtown to complement the central greenbelt next to Financial Street, which is already planted with acer saccharinums, autumn purple ashes, cherry-apples and other imported trees.

  • State Council move dampens price hikes of suburban homes

    2010-04-21 07:55

    Property prices in some of Beijing's far suburbs, where home costs have seen some of the wildest upward swings, are cooling.

  • Big boost for TV on the go

    2010-04-20 10:14

    Mobile TV service coverage in Beijing will be dramatically expanded from May 1 when more programs and an enlarged coverage area begin.
