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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Where to go when the city has a quake

    2011-03-24 07:55

    The 700-year-old Yuan Dynasty City Wall Relics Park is an oasis of serenity in a bustling city - and it would become a safe haven if Beijing were to be jostled by a catastrophic disaster, such as an earthquake.

  • Saddle up for Bohai or Bust charity ride

    2011-03-21 08:03

    Beijing bikers are set to face their biggest challenge yet as the Bohai or Bust charity event rolls into the capital.

  • Boom, boom in a dark room

    2011-03-17 08:00

    Beijing music lovers will be wooed by the eerie rhythms of one of the world's best electronica musicians this week, when the third annual Jue Festival kicks off in the capital.

  • Cutting through myth of ancient art

    2011-03-16 09:52

    The easiest and cheapest way to add a little Chinese style to a home is to paste a pair of paper rabbits onto the windows, representing good luck in the Year of the Rabbit.

  • Play builds a bridge between two cultures

    2011-03-15 07:58

    Such is the power of drama: watching several absurd and miserable lives unfold against a plain backdrop, you find yourself laughing and crying until the curtain call awakes you to the fact that the actors were speaking Japanese and you did not understand a word of it.

  • Eating well helps others

    2011-03-15 07:58

    Sunday is supposed to be the slowest night of the week for Beijing's restaurants.

  • Chic new venue hits a high note

    2011-03-14 07:57

    US songwriter Bernie Higginsends Beijing hotel tour with show to make grand opening of R Lounge. Todd Balazovic reports.

  • Where eagles dare

    2011-03-10 07:57

    Beijingers have long been famous for their laid-back attitude in front of stars. Yet, when news broke that The Eagles were coming to town it caused a major stir: television programs, newspapers and micro blogs were awash with talk anticipating the arrival of what many are calling: "The world's only real megaband.?

  • Christmas is going crackers

    2011-03-10 07:57

    In a city where bands struggle for recognition, being "ridiculous" has paid off for one laowei band singing in Mandarin.

  • Hearing today can go tomorrow

    2011-03-10 07:57

    With the wide popularity of digital entertainment products, it is not uncommon to see people wearing headphones and listening to music while running in the park or using public transport. But the volume is often so loud that people around them can hear the music as well.

  • Clever women show weaknesses

    2011-03-08 07:58

    Author says women in Beijing still have difficulties finding ways to balance their work and family life, Liu Yujie reports.

  • Places to go on Women's Day

    2011-03-08 07:58

    Women's Day variety show

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