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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Charity shop sells crafts, clothes and more to help women

    2010-03-11 11:56

    It looks exactly like other handicraft shops in a traditional Chinese hutong, or alley, except that each item has a story.

  • Accessorize in green

    2010-03-11 10:00

    METRO visits Currie Lee's Sanlitun boutique, home to timeless accessories with an eco-conscious business model

  • From China Post with confidence

    2010-03-10 12:06

    It is common for people to compare the slow delivery service of China Post with Panda Slow Post, a privately run delivery service in the 798 Art Zone.

  • How to find Chinese language schools

    2010-03-09 11:40

    The demand for Chinese language tutors is soaring as foreigners flock to Beijing.

  • Warning bells ring on private tutors

    2010-03-09 09:48

    As thousands of students sign up for lessons, parents are urged to study schools' credentials

  • As good as their words

    2010-03-08 10:15

    A translator with an ear for both languages and the skill to move seamlessly between them is essential if a book is to be a success in another language

  • Writing a new chapter for Chinese literature in the West

    2010-03-08 10:52

    Persistence is needed to raise the profile of translated books

  • For Korean kimchi Nanhu Zonghe gets full complement

    2010-03-05 16:10

    Those so accustomed to living in China that retail prices actually begin to feel like retail prices can take heart: Beijing and its environs have a bounty of markets proffering almost any food items at wholesale prices.

  • Bagging the best at market

    2010-03-05 15:42

    For locals and foreign residents in the know culinary heaven can be found among the choice pickings at Xinyuanli shops.

  • Beijing to be selective on garbage burner sites

    2010-03-05 14:43

    The Beijing municipal government will take heed over future garbage burners' site selections after residents expressed environmental concerns, Huang Yan, director of Beijing's Municipal Committee of Urban Planning, said on the sidelines of a national congress Friday.

  • Grabbing the reins of his new life

    2010-03-04 12:06

    Guo Baoyan, from Weifang, eastern Shandong province, is a 29-year-old horse riding instructor at the Beijing Great Wall Sunshine Valley Equestrian Club in Beijing's Yanqing county.

  • Universities coveting alumni money

    2010-03-04 10:31

    A couple donated $30 million to Renmin University of China, their alma mater, on Feb 28, but donations still only occupy a small part of income for universities in China.
