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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Making a movie in one weekend

    2010-08-04 11:42

    Beijing's one and only adrenaline fueled movie-making marathon, the 48 Hour Film Project, sparked a frenzy over the weekend with creativity on overload for everyone involved.

  • Horsing around at a grassland festival

    2010-08-04 11:28

    In the dusty plains of the Gegentala grasslands, three horses run side by side at full gallop while six boys form a pyramid on their backs. The crowd roars with approval as they hoist a flag.

  • Canvas kids mad about color

    2010-08-03 09:59

    The kids at Beijing Color Studio have been spicing up their summer using a bit of creativity and a few bright splashes of paint.

  • Kocoon Spa offers real soul revival

    2010-08-03 09:53

    Nestled into a corner of the Mediterranean-style Nali Patio is Kocoon spa; sunshine filters in through the large windows and tree leaves flutter gently against the windowpanes.

  • Where antique culture touches modern design

    2010-08-02 14:13

    Beijing is home to countless shops that sell furniture and home decorations, but very few are born from the desire to promote innovative Chinese designers and furniture items that simultaneously embrace traditional Chinese culture and our modern times.

  • Frozen snacks beat the city's 'sauna day'

    2010-07-30 07:49

    Five icy treats to help Beijingers get through the scorching summer.

  • 'Forever' now costs more

    2010-07-29 07:48

    Diamonds are hot this summer and prices have shot up by 20 to 30 percent in recent weeks as more people have decided to invest in stones larger than one carat.

  • Amateur tailors make their own unique threads

    2010-07-27 07:51

    A growing number of young Beijingers, sick of their peers' attraction to brand-name clothing, are picking up needles and learning to sew outfits, Li Yue'an reports

  • Exhibits highlight students' art

    2010-07-26 16:13

    The emerging maturity of young artists is the theme of this year's showcase of student artists from all over China at the Today Art Museum.

  • Model moves up the career ladder in the fashion industry

    2010-07-23 10:54

    When Wang Xiaotu was a four-year-old girl, she was often late for kindergartens because she insisted on picking her daily outfit herself.

  • Spa caters to 'red mansion' taste

    2010-07-22 07:53

    Hotel's upscale hot springs give clients the opportunity to relax in lavish style.

  • Doing business in fine style

    2010-07-21 07:58

    An increasing number of top-flight Chinese businessmen and businesswomen are choosing to network on exclusive, high-priced customized tourist trips organized by travel companies.
