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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Cool sport on rapid ascent

    2010-06-24 09:34

    Ice climbers discover sheer delight inside a Beijing store.

  • Overseas schools lure pool of students

    2010-06-22 09:47

    The curtains have closed on the annual make-or-break national university entrance examination but the fight for talent has just begun. Over the weekend, some 160 universities and educational institutions from more than 20 countries flocked to the Beijing International Expo to compete for Chinese high school graduates. Some brought "gifts" with them.

  • Auto whiz returns to Beijing to change gear

    2010-06-22 08:13

    When Cai Wei was appointed energy consultant to Frank O'Bannon, the late governor of the US state of Indiana, and when he won accolades from his fellow auto parts suppliers, he felt something was missing.

  • Life in the shadows

    2010-06-21 07:58

    On a white shadow wall of translucent canvas, the Monkey King was fighting with Princess Iron Fan and her husband, the Ox King. Their dazzling kungfu captivated the audience. Suddenly the classic scene from the novel Journey to the West changed tone and, to the accompaniment of stirring Spanish music, the Monkey King became a bullfighter, holding a red cloth in front of the Ox King.

  • Fans go bananas for grilled fish and sushi

    2010-06-18 07:56

    There is good reason to head to Tongli Studio this summer, besides the nightclubs White Rabbit and Kokomo, now that a new fusion restaurant, whimsically named BananaFish, has opened for business on the third floor. With an innovative pan-Pacific menu, a reasonable selection of New World wines and beers, and very affordable prices, BananaFish is set to become a Sanlitun staple.

  • Studying in Beijing, a foreign affair

    2010-06-17 10:40

    The number of students from overseas being accepted by universities in the city is growing.

  • A kinder, gentler oral treatment takes the crown

    2010-06-17 10:39

    In Wang Yan's childhood memory, the mere sight of a dentist and the sound of the dental drill reverberating through an impersonal treatment room was a nerve-jangling experience.

  • Swiss chef sparkles at Yi House

    2010-06-15 07:30

    The past decade has seen an explosion in Western dining in the Chinese capital, although for the most part few of these new venues have made a deep impression. That began to change, however, over the past few years as a number of very talented chefs - from Europe, the United States, Australia and elsewhere - turned up in Beijing, significantly raising the bar.

  • 'Spa' that provides a central pathway

    2010-06-14 07:24

    The first leisure center to use TCM practices has opened in the city

  • Who's watching who?

    2010-06-11 07:57

    Updated status, friend requests, wall posts - these are just a few of the new terms that could define the Internet generation's future downfall, says the new play Facehook.

  • Bars boot up for the big ball bash

    2010-06-10 13:40

    With the World Cup about to kick off in South Africa, fans in Beijing are gearing up for the event.

  • Stately haven for the high end

    2010-06-09 08:06

    Product launches from top brands keep one of Beijing's top clubs in business
