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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • 'Government holds key to unlock prices'

    2010-06-25 08:51

    Property prices and trading volumes in Beijing might have fallen - following the introduction of a tough new policy on April 30 - but insiders say Beijing buyers' interest in buying new homes has not diminished.

  • When skateboarding rolled into Beijing

    2010-06-24 09:48

    Gleaming the Cube was first screened in China in the late 1980s. The stylish action of the skateboarding movie caught the gaze of film fanatics and quickly created a fad among Chinese teenagers.

  • Singer ready to spread his wings

    2010-06-24 09:48

    Han Geng plans to fight a large Korean agency to gain his musical freedom.

  • Ex-pit owners to start search for new cash

    2010-06-24 09:40

    Shanxi province is associated with its wealthy coalmine owners who seem to spend money like water, but Beijing's coalmine owners have also extracted a tidy profit, even if they like to remain less ostentatious.

  • Flood damage insurance is a washout

    2010-06-24 08:59

    The number of cars sustaining engine damage due to heavy rain is swelling dramatically in Beijing, but only a small number of car owners opt to buy flood damage insurance.

  • Cupid's special agent takes aim at lovelies

    2010-06-23 11:09

    Yang Jing goes to high-end shopping malls in Beijing almost every day wearing formal clothes and professional makeup but the 26-year-old is neither a saleswoman nor a shopping-addict.

  • DIY decor creates a palace

    2010-06-23 08:13

    Home, for Yukiko Murayama, a Chinese-Japanese freelance writer, is a place where past memories and her present life coalesce. Growing up in Japan, Murayama came to China when she was 20 years old to care for her late mother who ran a film and TV production company in Beijing.

  • Commuter creates a utopia at city edge

    2010-06-23 08:13

    It's 6:30 am in a village near the Sixth Ring Road in north Beijing. Fan Ting rushes to a bus stop near the village entrance.

  • Cheaper fruit promised at supermarkets

    2010-06-23 07:58

    Starting next month, customers will be able to pick up cheaper domestic and foreign fruit and vegetables from 10 major local supermarkets, including Hualian, Jingkelong, Meitehao and Yonghui.

  • Long journey to Internet success

    2010-06-23 07:58

    Can foreign entrepreneurs successfully run Internet companies in China?

  • 'Witch Man' casts spell on the fashion world

    2010-06-22 09:54

    Han Huohuo, a project manager with the Chinese edition of Marie Claire, has built a glossy reputation since his photographs were featured on popular fashion websites such as the Vogue magazine-hosted Style.com.

  • Chauffeurs lead the field with tipsy fans

    2010-06-22 08:18

    Chauffeur companies are witnessing a striking improvement in business during the World Cup from fans opting to play safe on their way home from the pub.
