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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Rush to buy real estate despite high prices

    2009-12-30 10:41

    A majority of Beijing residents are concerned about unaffordable housing prices in the city, a new central bank survey said.

  • Football gambling: bet once, lose everything

    2009-12-30 10:14

    In China, football is becoming more than just a popular sport. For some, it is also becoming a gambling addiction.

  • High-end rental rates likely to increase

    2009-12-29 09:57

    The luxury apartment rental market in Beijing looks likely to recover next year after the global economic storm.

  • Kebab king's bid wins top stall in second temple fair

    2009-12-28 09:31

    Gu Shengli gets best location at both Longtanhu and Ditan fairs next year

  • Blacker than BlackBerrys

    2009-12-24 13:36

    The sleek, little smartphone looks just like Barack's. Yet there is one major difference: it's fake.

  • Renovation projects help build market

    2009-12-15 15:31

    Unfinished buildings, known as lanweilou in Chinese or rotten-tail buildings, are being revived amid the booming real estate market in Beijing.

  • Beijing housing price tops 20,000 yuan per sq m inside 4th Ring

    2009-12-15 15:05

    The average price of pre-construction homes inside Beijing's 4th Ring Road now stands at a staggering 20,515 yuan ($3,004.6) per square meter, according to a report by the Beijing Youth Daily Tuesday citing the Beijing Bureau of Statistics.

  • Vendors hawk fake invoices to employees

    2009-12-15 10:40

    Dodgy vendors are once again hawking fake tax invoices on the streets of Beijing, as workers scramble for receipts to bolster their yearly bonus.

  • Entrepreneurs flourish during crisis

    2009-12-14 14:19

    More than 30 percent of people aged between 18 and 40 want to open their own business in the next three years, a survey found.

  • Buyers swamp car markets before rise

    2009-12-11 13:24

    Wang Xin was all-smiles as she drove off in her first car, bought at the Yayuncun auto trade market in north Beijing yesterday.

  • Hooters girls

    2009-12-11 09:59

    Cookie has been working at Hooters since it opened up in September 2007. She was among the first of Beijing's Hooters girls, an Eastern version of the iconic American waitresses known for their provocative dress and lively service

  • Survey: Excessive parking fees anger residents

    2009-12-09 09:47

    Parking expenses top the list of concerns for community homeowners according to the results of a three-week online inquiry posted on the local government's website on Monday.
