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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • At 30,000 and counting, the fix is in for stray cats

    2010-05-10 07:56

    To tamp the population of stray cats, as many as 30,000 of the animals in Beijing have been spayed and neutered since 2006, thanks to a collaboration by the municipality, non-governmental organizations and veterinary hospitals.

  • High-wire balance sheet gets a boost

    2010-05-10 07:56

    A bidder stepped into the unknown Sunday afternoon, paying 2.8 million yuan at auction to snap up the sponsorship rights to Bird's Nest Stadium's staging of a Guinness world record attempt at endurance tightrope walking.

  • Freezer to keep lid on veggie costs

    2010-05-07 08:00

    The biggest outdoor market in Beijing will build a refrigerated storage facility to store six tons of vegetables, enough to keep the market supplied with produce for as long as a month.

  • Random check uncovers poisonous produce

    2010-05-07 08:00

    Three types of mushroom, including one produced locally, as well as Chinese sauerkraut, were taken off Beijing's shelves on Wednesday due to excessive amounts of sulfur dioxide.

  • Universities use cash to grab grads

    2010-05-06 08:03

    With the college entrance examination still a month away, some universities have already begun to fight for the best high school graduates by offering generous scholarships.

  • New TCM cures for killer diseases

    2010-05-06 08:03

    Beijing will spend 60 million yuan in three years to encourage traditional Chinese hospitals and doctors to treat 10 ailments, including AIDS, diabetes and heart attacks.

  • Throbbing sex toy industry still faces 'vulgar' attitudes

    2010-05-05 08:14

    When Li Fang and her business partners first named their online sex shop "X", they were well aware that business was not going to come easily.

  • High-speed connection 'too expensive'

    2010-05-04 08:00

    Major telecom companies in Beijing are launching plans to raise the speed of their Internet services, with China Unicom aiming to top 20 Megabytes per second (Mbps) before the end of 2012.

  • IPhone prices fall sharply, but buyers prefer smuggled ones

    2010-05-04 08:00

    China Unicom has cut the prices of contracts involving iPhones by almost 1,000 yuan, but pirated phones still remain many buyers' favorite choice.

  • Mall sales hit 660m yuan

    2010-05-04 08:00

    More than 660 million yuan was taken in by 36 shopping malls in Beijing during the three-day May Day holidays, an increase of 20 per cent over last year.

  • Auto show sets world record attendance figure

    2010-05-03 14:02

    More than 800,000 people visited Auto China 2010, which wrapped up on Sunday, making it the best-attended motor show in the world, organizers say.

  • Solar heating hot due to subsidies

    2010-04-30 07:54

    Beijing residents and developers will be able to apply for government subsidies totaling 200 million yuan to install solar water-heating systems in residential and public buildings.
