China / World

Street food stands become charity project for Ramadan

[2017-06-22 07:37]

CAIRO - It is after midnight at a main street in the classy Heliopolis suburb of Egypt's capital Cairo, when a crowd gathers around a food stand on a sidewalk.

Police plea over deadly hunt for treasure

[2017-06-22 07:37]

SANTA FE, New Mexico - New Mexico's top law enforcement officer is urging the author and antiquities dealer who inspired thousands to search remote corners of the western United States for a hidden chest of gold and jewels to end the treasure hunt.

New US restrictions may harm bilateral ties

[2017-06-19 07:07]

HAVANA - US President Donald Trump's decision to roll back parts of former president Barack Obama's historic opening of Cuba could push the countries back to hostility, an expert in international affairs said.

Poachers causing songbird 'disaster'

[2017-06-19 07:07]

NICOSIA, Cyprus - Volunteers and police in Cyprus are struggling to tackle illegal songbird trapping operations that kill millions of birds a year and net huge profits for poaching gangs.

Shots fired in Australia's war on waste

[2017-06-19 07:07]

SYDNEY - Australia's first recycled supermarket is giving food destined for landfills a second chance, as the government embarks on a major push to cut down on waste costing the economy A$20 billion ($15 billion) a year.

Canoe returns after traditional trip round world

[2017-06-19 07:07]

HONOLULU, Hawaii - No modern navigation instrumentation guided a Polynesian voyaging canoe as it followed the horizon during a three-year journey around the globe.

Why women top the catwalk cash charts

[2017-06-19 07:07]

MILAN - It is a rare exception to the rule: the gender salary gap in the fashion industry means female models are paid more than their male counterparts for the same job.

Bombing at Colombia mall kills 3

[2017-06-19 07:07]

BOGOTA - Three young women were killed and nine others injured after a strong explosion rocked a shopping mall in Colombia's capital on Saturday, local media reported. Among the dead was a 23-year-old Frenchwoman who was working in Bogota.

New Russia sanctions deal Trump fresh blow

[2017-06-17 07:18]

BEIJING - As the US Senate passed new sanctions against Russia on Thursday,

Singapore PM fans flame of family feud

[2017-06-17 07:18]

SINGAPORE - Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said there are "deeply troubling circumstances" over how the will of his father and the founding leader of modern Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, was drawn up, in the latest salvo in a family feud that has shaken the city state this week.

IS kingpin possibly killed in Russia strike

[2017-06-17 07:18]

MOSCOW - The Russian army on Friday said it hit Islamic State leaders in an airstrike in Syria last month and was seeking to verify whether IS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed.

Erdogan furious over US warrants for aides

[2017-06-17 07:18]

WASHINGTON - US authorities on Thursday announced arrest warrants had been issued for 12 members of Turkish President Recep Erdogan's security detail for assaulting protesters in Washington last month, sparking a furious response from the Turkish leader.
