China / World


[2017-03-11 06:59]

Torment and taunts for Fukushima kids

[2017-03-11 06:59]

HIRONO, JapanSatsuki Sekine's home was destroyed in Japan's 2011 tsunami disaster and her family fled in the nuclear panic that followed. But crueller still were the insults and stigmatization she faced in the community where she sought refuge.

Child jockeys remain in the saddle as Mongolia rides a questionable course

[2017-03-11 06:59]

TSAGAAN HUTUL, Mongolia - Courts banned them, human-rights groups slammed them and the labor ministry demands they cease, but none of that has stopped Mongolia's politicians from letting child jockeys saddle up.

Samsung chief denies all charges as trial begins

[2017-03-10 08:10]

SEOUL - The head of Samsung, Lee Jae-yong, denies all charges against him, his lawyer said on Thursday, at the start of what the special prosecutor said could be the "trial of the century" amid a political scandal that has rocked the country.

China offers new idea on human rights governance

[2017-03-10 08:10]

GENEVA - A group of Chinese human rights scholars on Wednesday elaborated the idea of a community of shared future for mankind in the context of human rights governance, saying interpretation of human rights ideas cannot be taken out of their cultural contexts.

Fearless Girl stares iconic Charging Bull

[2017-03-10 08:10]

NEW YORK - A new statue of a resolute young girl staring down Wall Street's famous Charging Bull was erected by a major asset managing firm for International Women's Day to make a point: There's a dearth of women on the boards of the largest US corporations.

Duterte names new Philippine foreign secretary

[2017-03-10 08:10]

MANILA - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte named a new acting foreign minister on Thursday, barely a day after the Commission on Appointment rejected the nomination of foreign secretary Perfecto Yasay over a citizenship issue.

CIA blasts WikiLeaks for exposing cyberspying documents

[2017-03-10 08:10]

WASHINGTON - The CIA on Wednesday accused WikiLeaks of endangering the United States, helping US rivals and hampering the fight against terror threats by releasing what the anti-secrecy site claimed was a trove of CIA hacking tools.


[2017-03-10 08:10]

Human rights record of the United States in 2016

[2017-03-10 08:09]

On March 3 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices, posing once again as "the judge of human rights". Wielding "the baton of human rights,"

Communication can steady rocky China-US relations

[2017-03-09 07:25]

The Thucydides trap is the ever-present elephant in the room when it comes to relations between China and the United States. Whether the established power and the rising power can successfully avoid conflict as the established order necessarily adjusts to accommodate China's rise is a question of concern to all.

Welcome civil rights guidance

[2017-03-09 07:25]

A third draft of the general provisions of civil law was deliberated at the ongoing session of China's top legislature starting from Wednesday, marking a much-anticipated step toward laying down the principles of a civil code.
