China / World

US dazzled by Chinese traditional arts

[2017-04-03 07:18]

BOCA RATON, Florida - In a booth at Sunset Cove Amphitheater, a huge outdoor venue in Boca Raton, Li Jun, in his traditional Tang suit, was drawing a dragon in caramel on his iron pad.

Bob Dylan receives Nobel prize

[2017-04-03 07:18]

STOCKHOLM - Bob Dylan finally has his hands on his Nobel Literature diploma and medal.

World 'comfort women' museums urge Japan to reflect on history

[2017-04-03 07:18]

TOKYO - Representatives of "comfort women" museums from Japan, South Korea, China, the Philippines and the United States convened their first conference in Tokyo on Saturday, urging the Japanese government to reflect upon history.

EU indicates it favors amicable UK divorce

[2017-04-01 07:55]

BRUSSELS - The European Union softened its public stance on Britain's exit from the bloc on Friday, with Council President Donald Tusk signaling some flexibility on allowing talks on a new relationship before the divorce proceedings are complete.

Japan's whale hunt ignites outrage

[2017-04-01 07:55]

TOKYO - A Japanese whaling fleet returned to port on Friday after an annual Antarctic hunt that killed more than 300 of the mammals as the country pursues the program in defiance of global criticism.

Park may have larger cell, but lights out at 9

[2017-04-01 07:55]

SEOUL - Dressed in the green jumpsuit of undertrials, ousted Republic of Korea's president Park Geun-hye's days at the Seoul Detention Center will start at 6:30 am and end at 9 pm.


[2017-04-01 07:55]

Putin says will be 'glad' to meet Trump

[2017-04-01 07:55]

MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday denounced the scandals over Donald Trump's ties to Moscow, adding that he would be happy to meet with his US counterpart this year.

Reused rocket fuels space-age ambition

[2017-04-01 07:55]

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida - A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket recovered at sea from its maiden flight last year blasted off again from Florida on Thursday in the first successful launch of a recycled orbital-class booster, then capped the feat with another return landing on an ocean platform.

80 years on, Guernica still resonates

[2017-04-01 07:55]

MADRID - Close to 80 years ago, Picasso painted Guernica in a Paris attic, a haunting work of art that has become a universal howl against the ravages of war, from 1937 Spain to 2017 Syria.

Climate order draws praise, threats

[2017-03-30 07:32]

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order aimed at reversing his predecessor Barack Obama's climate policies, a move that sparked praise from energy industry, criticism from environmentalists and, almost certainly, legal challenges in the future.

New Zealanders more convinced of human blame, study finds

[2017-03-30 07:32]

New Zealanders are becoming increasingly convinced that climate change is real and that human activity has caused it, according to research on Wednesday.
