China / World

Assad says yet to see real steps on IS by US

[2017-03-13 07:36]

BEIRUT - Syrian President Bashar Assad said he had yet to see "anything concrete" from US President Donald Trump over his vow to defeat the Islamic State group and called US forces in Syria "invaders" because they were there without government permission.

Intruder scales White House fence

[2017-03-13 07:36]

WASHINGTON - An intruder carrying a backpack was arrested after scaling a fence around the White House and entering the grounds, the US Secret Service said on Saturday, in the latest breach of security at the president's official residence.

Park facing possibility of going from palace to prison

[2017-03-11 06:59]

SEOUL - When impeached president Park Geun-hye leaves the presidential palace, she will go back to her house in Seoul's luxury Gangnam district surrounded by a high wall and bamboo. She may have to move again, next time to a cramped jail cell.

WikiLeaks offers tech firms CIA hacking secrets

[2017-03-11 06:59]

WASHINGTON - WikiLeaks will provide technology companies with exclusive access to CIA hacking tools that it possesses, to allow them to patch software flaws, founder Julian Assange said on Thursday.

New Trump ban facing mounting legal challenges

[2017-03-11 06:59]

SEATTLE - Legal challenges against US President Donald Trump's revised travel ban mounted on Thursday as Washington state said it would renew its request to block the executive order and a judge granted Oregon's request to join the case.

Japan exploring legality of making preemptive strikes

[2017-03-11 06:59]

TOKYO - Japan's Defense Minister Tomomi Inada suggested on Thursday that it may be legally possible for Japanese troops to acquire the capability to conduct preemptive strikes against enemy bases.

Torment and taunts for Fukushima kids

[2017-03-11 06:59]

HIRONO, JapanSatsuki Sekine's home was destroyed in Japan's 2011 tsunami disaster and her family fled in the nuclear panic that followed. But crueller still were the insults and stigmatization she faced in the community where she sought refuge.

Child jockeys remain in the saddle as Mongolia rides a questionable course

[2017-03-11 06:59]

TSAGAAN HUTUL, Mongolia - Courts banned them, human-rights groups slammed them and the labor ministry demands they cease, but none of that has stopped Mongolia's politicians from letting child jockeys saddle up.

Park facing possibility of going from palace to prison

[2017-03-11 06:59]

SEOUL - When impeached president Park Geun-hye leaves the presidential palace, she will go back to her house in Seoul's luxury Gangnam district surrounded by a high wall and bamboo. She may have to move again, next time to a cramped jail cell.

WikiLeaks offers tech firms CIA hacking secrets

[2017-03-11 06:59]

WASHINGTON - WikiLeaks will provide technology companies with exclusive access to CIA hacking tools that it possesses, to allow them to patch software flaws, founder Julian Assange said on Thursday.

New Trump ban facing mounting legal challenges

[2017-03-11 06:59]

SEATTLE - Legal challenges against US President Donald Trump's revised travel ban mounted on Thursday as Washington state said it would renew its request to block the executive order and a judge granted Oregon's request to join the case.

Japan exploring legality of making preemptive strikes

[2017-03-11 06:59]

TOKYO - Japan's Defense Minister Tomomi Inada suggested on Thursday that it may be legally possible for Japanese troops to acquire the capability to conduct preemptive strikes against enemy bases.
