China / World

Scientists bank on new runway for Antarctica access

[2017-02-22 07:27]

SYDNEY - Australian scientists are considering plans for a year-round runway in Antarctica to improve access to research sites.

Bride and joy of Nollywood hints at healthy future

[2017-02-22 07:27]

LAGOS - Nigerian film The Wedding Party has shown the country's cinema at the top of its game, with its success at the box office taking it to new audiences across Africa and the world.

Slain dogs used to promote pet death felony legislation

[2017-02-22 07:27]

FLORIDA, NEW YORK - When Denise Krohn came home to find her goldendoodle Kirby bleeding on the kitchen floor, she at first thought it was a terrible accident.

Food for thought on aid delivery

[2017-02-22 07:27]

LONDON - Edible drones filled with food, water or medicine could soon be used to deliver live-saving supplies to remote areas hit by natural disasters or conflict, the company behind the aircraft said on Monday.

Extension of Park's scandal probe pends

[2017-02-22 07:27]

SEOUL - South Korean special prosecutors on Monday said acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn has yet to respond to their calls over extending investigation into a corruption scandal that led to the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye.

Cheating students to face tough penalties

[2017-02-22 07:27]

LONDON - Cheating university students in the United Kingdom who use essay mills could face tough penalties under an action outlined on Tuesday by Minister of State for Universities Jo Johnson. A study showed some students pay up to $8,400 to have a dissertation or a piece of work written for them.

China mourns Russia's UN ambassador Churkin

[2017-02-22 07:27]

UNITED NATIONS - China offers deep condolences to Russia over the death of its ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.

Mideast's top defense fair opens

[2017-02-21 07:32]

The biennial International Defense Exhibition and Conference kicked off in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on Sunday.

China named guest country at Cuba fair

[2017-02-21 07:32]

China will be the guest country at the 2018 Cuba International Book Fair as a sign of historically friendly ties between the two nations and a way to expand cultural cooperation, a senior Cuban official said on Sunday. "Inviting China to be the guest country at next year's fair will be of great importance for our bilateral cultural relation because we have distinct historical ties," Abel Prieto, Cuban minister of culture, told Xinhua.

Mattis says no plan to seize Iraqi oil

[2017-02-21 07:32]

The US military is not in Iraq "to seize anybody's oil", Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said, distancing himself from remarks by President Donald Trump at the start of a visit to Iraq on Monday.

Traffic study ranks Los Angeles as most clogged city

[2017-02-21 07:32]

When it comes to getting stuck in traffic on the way to and from work, Los Angeles leads the world.

Protests target 'fake jobs' candidates

[2017-02-21 07:32]

Thousands demonstrated in Paris and other French cities on Sunday to protest corruption, taking aim specifically at presidential candidates Francois Fillon and Marine Le Pen, both accused of misusing public funds.
