China / World

Vietnam eyes social housing for the poor

[2017-02-28 07:58]

HO CHI MINH CITY - Whenever her suitor or coworkers call round, Vietnamese garment worker Nguyen Thi Loan struggles to make her 8-square-meter room look more spacious, and mutters "If only..."

Australian campuses 'covering up' rapes

[2017-02-28 07:58]

SYDNEY - Australian universities have been accused of covering up sexual assaults, with experts warning that international students are at a heightened risk.

US and ROK will 'suffer' over THAAD

[2017-02-28 07:58]

Lotte Group approves land swap with govt for anti-missile system

Special prosecutors are denied Park scandal probe extension

[2017-02-28 07:58]

Special prosecutors of the Republic of Korea investigating impeached President Park Geun-hye were denied permission to extend their probe and question her in person on Monday amid a graft scandal that threatens to topple her from office.

Accident, rain mar joyful Rio Carnival

[2017-02-28 07:58]

RIO DE JANEIRO - A huge float carried by an out-of-control truck at the Rio de Janeiro samba parade struck at least 12 people, seriously injuring two.

Indonesian police say bomber linked to IS

[2017-02-28 07:58]

BANDUNG, INDONESIA - Indonesian police shot dead an attacker during a firefight at a government office on Monday after a small bomb was set off in a public park.

Old-school phones find new following

[2017-02-28 07:57]

Appeal of simpler devices highlighted by release of revamped Nokia

Fresh urgency in battle to restore Florida Everglades

[2017-02-28 07:57]

MIAMI - Rising seas, polluted coastlines and the specter of more frequent droughts and storms have lent new urgency to efforts to restore the ecosystem of the Florida Everglades, the largest freshwater wetland in the United States.

'Ring of fire' eclipse delights stargazers

[2017-02-28 07:57]

SARMIENTO, ARGENTINA - Stargazers applauded as they were plunged into darkness on Sunday when the moon passed in front of the sun in a spectacular "ring of fire" eclipse.

Quake 'catastrophic' for marine ecosystem

[2017-02-28 07:57]

WELLINGTON - Huge mudslides caused by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in New Zealand last year have wiped out vast tracts of one of the world's richest underwater ecosystems, scientists said on Monday.

Miracle treetop baby a reluctant celebrity

[2017-02-28 07:57]

CHIBUTO, MOZAMBIQUE - Rosita Mabuiango's birth in a tree above swirling waters 17 years ago thrust her into instant stardom, drawing global attention to the worst floods to hit Mozambique in recent memory.

Vietnam eyes social housing for the poor

[2017-02-28 07:58]

HO CHI MINH CITY - Whenever her suitor or coworkers call round, Vietnamese garment worker Nguyen Thi Loan struggles to make her 8-square-meter room look more spacious, and mutters "If only..."
