China / World

Art, sport steer young refugees to new lives

[2017-03-29 07:11]

ATHENS - Jawad Ahmadi, an 18-year-old Afghan, reached the island of Lesbos a year ago with his older brother and cousin, believing Greece would be just a temporary stop on his way to Germany.

Circus school provides magic and hope

[2017-03-29 07:11]

SAN FRANCISCO, MEXICO - With their gravity-defying trampoline flips, graceful acrobatics, juggling and tightrope walking, the children in San Francisco's circus school are bringing a touch of Cirque du Soleil magic to this bohemian Pacific beach town.

Tracks discovered in Australia's Jurassic Park

[2017-03-29 07:11]

SYDNEY - An "unprecedented" 21 different types of dinosaur tracks have been found on a stretch of Australia's remote coastline, scientists said on Monday, dubbing it the nation's Jurassic Park.

Gold coin worth $4m stolen from museum

[2017-03-29 07:11]

BERLIN - A Canadian gold coin named "Big Maple Leaf" which bears the image of Queen Elizabeth II was stolen in the early hours of Monday morning from Berlin's Bode Museum.

Thousands flee as cyclone bears down on Australia

[2017-03-28 07:27]

SYDNEY - Thousands of Australians abandoned their homes as a powerful cyclone bore down on coastal towns in Queensland on Monday, while others ignored authorities' advice to evacuate with winds forecast to reach up to 300 km/h

Thousands flee as cyclone bears down on Australia

[2017-03-28 07:27]

SYDNEY - Thousands of Australians abandoned their homes as a powerful cyclone bore down on coastal towns in Queensland on Monday, while others ignored authorities' advice to evacuate with winds forecast to reach up to 300 km/h

Japan's cabinet support drops over land scandal

[2017-03-28 07:27]

TOKYO - Support for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet slipped further over a shady land deal scandal here, with the majority of the respondents considering the government not doing enough to clear up the issue, according to a Kyodo News poll released on Sunday.

Think tank: 'Now or never' for Europe

[2017-03-28 07:27]

BERLIN - The leaders of France and Germany must use the window of opportunity that opens up after elections in both countries to inject new momentum into their single currency project or risk its failure, a leading French think tank warned on Monday.

Police search for suspects in nightclub shooting

[2017-03-28 07:27]

CINCINNATI - Cincinnati police searched for suspects in a nightclub shooting that left one man dead and 15 other people injured and sent club patrons diving to the ground to dodge bullets in what they described as a chaotic and terrifying scene.


[2017-03-28 07:27]

Eight feared dead in Japan avalanche

[2017-03-28 07:27]

TOKYO - Seven Japanese high school students and a teacher were presumed dead after being caught in an avalanche on Monday while being trained in mountain climbing at a ski resort, authorities and media said.

EU calls for balance on message encryption

[2017-03-28 07:27]

BRUSSELS - The European Union's presidency said people's privacy must be protected following British calls for police access to encrypted messages in case of attacks.
