Education / News

JXNU president attends Confucius institutes joint conference in Africa

[2017-05-26 16:26]

Mei Guoping, president of Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU), attended the 2017 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa from May 18 to 19.

A memorial for Connie: Wherever you are, be there

[2017-05-22 17:03]

Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU) held a memorial for Connie Gibson on May 20.

JXNU professor wins Worldstar 2016 Packaging Award

[2017-05-08 16:03]

Lu Shizhu, a professor at Jiangxi Normal University, received the Worldstar 2016 Packaging Award in Dusseldorf, Germany on May 4.

JXNU boosts innovation, entrepreneurship education

[2017-03-01 11:12]

Nanchang-based Jiangxi Normal University was recently honored as one of the first innovation and entrepreneurship education reform demonstration universities.

JXNU troupe brings concert to Africa

[2017-02-16 10:51]

A group of teachers from Jiangxi Normal University, Central China’s Jiangxi province, presented a concert in the University of Lagos, Nigeria on Jan 15.

Foreign students in traditional lion dance contest

[2016-10-20 19:22]

Eleven foreign students from Jiangxi Normal University, in the city of Nanchang, East China’s Jiangxi province, take part in a national lion and dragon dance competition in Sinan county, Guizhou province on Sep 29.

Chinese and Russian artists reveal ‘Time and Inheritance’

[2016-10-12 16:56]

About 1,000 government officials, artists and visitors from China and Russia gathered for the opening ceremony of an art exhibition in Nanchang, capital of East China’s Jiangxi province on Oct 1.

JXNU alumni selected into national talent program

[2016-09-23 10:42]

Zhuang Weidong and Zeng Jianping, two alumni from Jiangxi Normal University, have been selected into the “10000-Talent” Program, a national plan for the special support of high-level talent.

JXNU opens entrepreneurship training program for students

[2016-09-23 10:35]

Jiangxi Normal University launched an entrepreneurship training program – Start Your Business (SYB) -- for its students on Sept 19.

Foreign languages and literatures alliance founded in JXNU

[2016-09-02 11:16]

The founding meeting of the Jiangxi Foreign Languages and Literatures Alliance was held in Jiangxi Normal University from July 8 to 10. A high-level foreign literature research forum was staged.

JXNU sponsors foreign student art and sport groups

[2016-09-02 09:22]

JXNU has sponsored four foreign student art and sport associations in 2016, to help the students understand Chinese culture better and give them more chances to exchange and communicate with Chinese people.


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