China / View

On way to winning the fight against poverty

[2017-06-29 07:24]

Building a moderately well-off society in an all-round way by 2020, just before the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, is the major task on the road to establishing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

To fight shams, punish those promoting fakes

[2017-06-29 07:24]

Editor's note: Liu Hongbin, a self-proclaimed traditional Chinese medicine expert, has come in for severe public criticism after it was discovered that she is not a TCM practitioner and the pharmaceuticals she endorsed on TV programs were actually sham products. A consumer rights lawyer and a journalism teacher share their views on the issue with China Daily's Wu Zheyu:

Fuyao labor dispute in US a valuable lesson

[2017-06-29 07:24]

The Fuyao Auto Glass America, a good example of Chinese enterprises' efforts to promote globalization, recently came under exaggerated media glare for an ordinary labor dispute in its newly established plant in Ohio. Not only did The New York Times publish a big story on the dispute, but also some domestic media outlets covered it extensively.

Technology and innovation help achieve inclusive growth

[2017-06-28 07:36]

Artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, e-commerce, big data: These are some of the technological advancements in the ongoing new industrial revolution that are profoundly changing our lives.

On track for rejuvenation

[2017-06-28 07:36]

Two new high-speed trains were put into operation on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line on Monday.

Mobile internet services call for ever more smartphone use

[2017-06-28 07:36]

PEOPLE'S RELIANCE ON SMARTPHONES is increasing. Data from German company Statista show that Brazilians, for instance, who are the heaviest users, spend five hours on their smartphones every day on average. Chinese users come second, spending on average three hours a day on their phones. Southern Metropolis Daily comments:

Gambling addiction may put lives at stake

[2017-06-28 07:36]

A WOMAN AND HER THREE CHILDREN died in a fire at their home in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, on Thursday. The nanny was subsequently arrested on suspicion of arson. Beijing News commented on Tuesday:

Kids the ones who suffer from parents' focus on their future

[2017-06-28 07:36]

MANY MIDDLE-CLASS PARENTS in China seem in a state of permanent anxiety about their children's future, fearing that if they don't develop any artistic talent or lag behind in education they will be a loser for the rest of their lives. China Youth Daily comments:


[2017-06-28 07:29]

What lessons can be learned after disaster?

[2017-06-28 07:36]

Editor's note: As of Tuesday, 10 people were confirmed dead, and 93 were still missing after a landslide engulfed Xinmo village in Maoxian county, Southwest China's Sichuan province, on Saturday. Can anything be done to prevent such natural disasters? And what can be done to improve the rescue efforts after a disaster happens? Three experts shared their views with China Daily's Zhang Zhouxiang:

First half growth marked by deleveraging

[2017-06-28 07:36]

Despite seemingly mixed messages, China's great shift from easing to tightening has begun. While growth will continue to decelerate, it can still remain on the deceleration track, even as deleveraging has begun.

Haughty stance won't solve rights problems

[2017-06-28 07:36]

Human rights remain one of top global concerns in the era of globalization. But given the different views of different countries on human rights protection, how can we effectively promote human rights worldwide?
