China / View

How long you live is not decided by just what you eat

[2017-05-04 07:48]

BAMA IN THE GUANGXI Zhuang autonomous region in South China is known as the "hometown of longevity", as more than 1,000 of its residents, out of a population of some 200,000, are more than 90 years old, among which 81 are centenarians. As a result, some local specialties are being labeled and sold as longevity foods. Beijing News comments:


[2017-05-04 08:17]

Initiative backs growth along Belt, Road

[2017-05-04 07:48]

Launched by President Xi Jinping in September 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative is designed to improve global connectivity and physical infrastructure to better link China with the rest of Asia, and Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The initiative envisages the creation of multiple economic corridors under the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

Diplomacy needed to defuse DPRK issue

[2017-05-04 07:48]

US President Donald Trump's comment that the Republic of Korea should pay for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-missile system is quite disturbing for many people in the ROK. It looks like he wants to charge them for a very expensive product which they did not even order.

No real future for a TPP without US

[2017-05-04 07:48]

With the United States having withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, trade officials from the remaining members gathered in Canada on Tuesday and Wednesday seeking ways to keep it alive. But can they really make any breakthrough?

Need for quality healthcare nationwide

[2017-05-04 07:48]

Although it's too early to evaluate the effects of Beijing's medical care reform, the first three weeks' trial since April 8 seems to have met people's expectations. The main goal of the landmark medical care reform is to change the unhealthy practice of hospitals' "covering their expenses with medicine revenue".

South China Sea should not block regional cooperation

[2017-05-03 07:38]

A Chinese naval fleet completed a three-day visit to the Philippines on Monday. The first such visit in seven years provides the latest proof of the two countries' resolve to continuously expand bilateral interaction and deepen political mutual trust.

Red tape reduction welcome

[2017-05-03 07:38]

According to the Ministry of Public Security, as of July 1, Chinese residents will be able to report the loss of ID cards and apply for new ones in any localities other than the places where their hukou, or household registration, are recorded.

Only genuine scenic spots should be put in place in grading system

[2017-05-03 07:38]

ACCORDING TO A REPORT by Xinhua News Agency the number of 4A scenic spots in the country increased from 187 in 2001 to over 2,800 in 2016, and some places graded 4A, the second highest grade, are not scenic spots at all. Beijing News comments:

No tolerance for campus violence

[2017-05-03 07:38]

A FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT IN Jinan, East China's Shandong province, was beaten so severely by a male schoolmate that she lost consciousness. However, the school threatened her with disciplinary punishment if she revealed what had happened. Beijing News comments:

Time to close tax loopholes that favor rich

[2017-05-03 07:38]

A LIST OF ENTERTAINMENT celebrities' incomes has gone viral on social media. The total annual income of the top 50 entertainment celebrities amounted to 5 billion yuan ($725 million) last year, but that represents only part of their total earnings. Beijing News comments:


[2017-05-03 07:33]
