China / View

Japan should repent its past before trying to become normal nation

[2017-06-28 07:36]

If there was still any doubt over Japan's increasing strategic regional ambitions, the recent activities of its biggest warship Izumo have just laid that to rest. Last week, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces helicopter destroyer sailed near China's Nine-Dash Line in the South China Sea with military officials from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states on board as guests. And before that, in mid June, the Izumo joined the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier in the South China Sea for a three-day exercise.

Fight against drugs is a shared responsibility

[2017-06-27 07:09]

Despite worldwide actions to combat drug trafficking and use, the problem is relentlessly worsening, with international drug cartels becoming more aggressive in expanding their markets and terrorists funding their activities with the production and sale of traditional narcotics.

Actions required after audits

[2017-06-27 07:09]

In a recent audit report submitted by the National Audit Office to the top legislature on the implementation of last year's central budget, more than 600 clues of major law and discipline violations were disclosed, involving 7,900 units and 1,110 public servants.

Miracle cure TV promoter just the public face of a chain of cheats

[2017-06-27 07:09]

A WOMAN who falsely claimed to be a medical expert has disappeared after the TV advertisements in which she appeared extolling the efficacy of various medical products were banned. Southern Metropolis Daily comments:

Easy prey for peddlers of fun drugs

[2017-06-27 07:09]

NONE OF 226 STUDENTS surveyed at a junior middle school in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, prior to the 30th International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on Monday, professed any interest in trying illegal drugs. Chinese Business View commented on Monday:

Outdated practice of public humiliations against rule of law

[2017-06-27 07:09]

THE PUBLIC SECURITY bureau in Zoucheng in East China's Shandong province made a song and dance about its "achievements" on Thursday by parading some suspected criminals in handcuffs and shackles and prison uniforms in the center of the city and making them identify the things they had stolen. Beijing News comments:


[2017-06-27 07:01]

Key to refugee crisis is enabling homecomings

[2017-06-27 07:09]

On June 20, World Refugee Day, Yao Chen, a well-known Chinese actress and a UN Refugee Agency Goodwill Ambassador, was heavily criticized by the public for reportedly "calling on" China to invest more resources to help refugees. Later she claimed reports on her words were rumors, and that through her observation the common wish of the refugees, no matter where they are from, is to go home. The subsequent online debate highlighted the diversified views Chinese people hold on what is a thorny and emotive issue worldwide.

China's sharing economy is now exporting innovations

[2017-06-27 07:09]

The intense competition in the bicycle-sharing business in China, which observers said would end up with a Didi-Uber merger as early as March, has now officially "gone global". Chinese bike-sharing startup Mobike is set to introduce 1,000 bikes to Manchester and Salford in the United Kingdom on June 29 in a bid to the European market.

Call for champions to promote global health

[2017-06-27 07:09]

Earlier this year at the World Economic Forum, President Xi Jinping delivered a hearty defense of globalization. To people following world affairs for the last few decades this should not have come as a surprise. It is well known that China is the world's second-largest economy and a global force in manufacturing and trade. What is less well known is that China has taken on increasingly critical roles in global healthcare and development, which it views as necessary to sustain and accelerate global economic growth.

'Crying' Schumer's rhetoric out of touch with reality

[2017-06-27 07:09]

US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer railed against President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. However, he sounded as if he might have voted for Trump in an op-ed in The Washington Post on Friday.

Down-to-earth endeavors key to poverty alleviation goal

[2017-06-26 07:06]

Setting a deadline for eradicating poverty requires confidence; especially, setting a very short one for eliminating "abject poverty".
