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AIIB is recharging globalization

[2017-03-30 07:36]

The emergence of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has had two major global implications. The first is in terms of additional availability of finance for regional infrastructure development. Traditional financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and the African Development Bank have been funding multiple development projects in many countries.

Japanese official's visit to Taiwan seriously damages ties

[2017-03-29 07:15]

The visit to Taiwan by Japanese senior vice-minister of internal affairs and communications on Saturday was provocative and breaches the commitment made by Japan to interact with Taiwan only at nongovernmental and local levels.

Private firms key to growth

[2017-03-29 07:15]

China's major industrial enterprises registered a profit growth of 31.5 percent year-on-year in the first two months of this year, 29.2 percentage points higher than the growth in December, data from the National Bureau of Statistics indicate.

Curbing commercial property sales for residential use good move

[2017-03-29 07:15]

ON SUNDAY, the Beijing municipal government further regulated the market for commercial properties, prohibiting developers from selling such properties under construction to individuals. Banks have also been instructed to suspend the issuing of loans to individuals who have signed contracts to buy already constructed buildings for business use. Beijing Youth Daily comments:

Not abiding by safety rules runs a risk

[2017-03-29 07:15]

THE DEATH OF A MAN at Nanjing Railway Station on Sunday shows the heavy price that may be paid by those seeking to cut corners. Beijing Youth Daily comments:

University has right idea but wrong approach

[2017-03-29 07:15]

TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY has announced that starting from this year, its students will not be given graduation certificate upon graduation without having learned the skill to swim. Beijing Youth Daily commented on Tuesday:


[2017-03-29 07:10]

Work together to advance economic globalization

[2017-03-29 07:15]

Editor's note: Following is an English version of the full text of the keynote speech by Chinese Vice-Premier ZhangGaoli at the opening plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2017 on March 25: Work Together to Advance Economic Globalization and Create a Better Future for Asia and the World.

Harness comparative strengths, unleash development potential

[2017-03-28 07:32]

Visiting Premier Li Keqiang witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between China and New Zealand under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative on Monday. This is the first agreement of its kind China has inked with a developed Western economy, indicating China's initiative is gaining both popularity and substantial progress.

Rightist tendency a concern

[2017-03-28 07:32]

A kindergarten in Osaka, Japan, was recently revealed to be instilling in its young charges ultra-nationalist ideas and anti-China and anti-Republic of Korea sentiment. The revelation came not long after the Japanese hotel chain APA was found to be placing books in its guest rooms that brazenly deny the Nanjing Massacre.

'Invisible' waybills promise better personal information protection

[2017-03-28 07:32]

CHINESE DELIVERY COMPANIES will reportedly stop using waybills that have customers' names, addresses, and mobile numbers on the parcels, in an attempt to better protect customers' privacy. Beijing News commented on Monday:

Rural cultural relics require due preservation

[2017-03-28 07:32]

TEN FRESCOS that were later classified as cultural relics that should be under national level protection were stolen from Longtian Temple in North China's Shanxi province in October. When the police finally caught up with the gang responsible for the theft, after a half-year investigation, they unexpectedly discovered more than 400 stolen frescoes from other temples in the province. Guangming Daily comments:
