China / View


[2017-03-16 07:59]

Cooperation is the future of ties with US

[2017-03-16 07:56]

Premier Li Keqiang reiterated in his news conference on Wednesday the vital importance of healthy and sustainable Sino-US ties for both countries, especially emphasizing that the two countries should avoid a trade war.

Tillerson's East Asia tour holds promise

[2017-03-16 07:56]

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, unlike Secretary of Defence James Mattis, will visit China as well as Japan and the Republic of Korea during his tour of East Asia from Wednesday.

Building a fairer education system

[2017-03-16 07:56]

Editor's note: During the annual sessions of China's top legislature, and the top political advisory body, Yu Minhong, political advisor and CEO of New Oriental Education, said only the rich can afford to own a house in a good school district in Beijing, sparking a public debate. Two experts share their views on the issue with China Daily's Zhang Yuchen:

China and TPP are not made for each other

[2017-03-16 07:56]

Last Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said China is considering sending a delegation to the Pacific Alliance dialogue in Chile, which will also be attended by the countries that signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. The announcement was misinterpreted by some media outlets to mean that "China is preparing to join the TPP", sparking discussions at home and abroad. The ministry finally cleared the confusion on Monday.

China's all-inclusive vision for boosting global growth

[2017-03-16 07:56]

Defending globalization at the World Economic Forum in January, President Xi Jinping accentuated that the Belt and Road Initiative, which he proposed in 2013, is China's answer to problems frustrating globalization.

NPC's focus on rule of law

[2017-03-16 07:56]

As representatives of the people, National People's Congress deputies are supposed to submit motions on issues of concern to the public.

Market forces and government can ensure quality products

[2017-03-16 07:56]

WEDNESDAY WAS WORLD CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY. Premier Li Keqiang has for several times emphasized that China's economic development should enter a "quality era", while Zhi Shuping, head of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, said at a Tuesday news conference that quality should come first. Beijing News comments:

Tackling twin threats to fish in Yangtze

[2017-03-16 07:56]

YANGTZE RIVER long-tailed anchovies, a popular delicacy for residents along the river, have become increasingly scarce and more expensive as a result of overfishing and industrial pollution. Guangming Daily commented on Wednesday:

Cheap cosmetic surgery can come with risks

[2017-03-16 07:56]

WITH SALES AND injections of "imported" botox on the rise, experts have called for its use to be better regulated. Beijing News commented on Wednesday:


[2017-03-16 07:59]

Cooperation is the future of ties with US

[2017-03-16 07:56]

Premier Li Keqiang reiterated in his news conference on Wednesday the vital importance of healthy and sustainable Sino-US ties for both countries, especially emphasizing that the two countries should avoid a trade war.
