China / View

Spring Festival brings China into focus

[2017-02-12 13:07]

Many people in China regard the rise in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas and as an invasion by Western culture.

Not cold-hearted, just less tolerant of rule-breakers

[2017-02-12 13:07]

On Jan 29, the second day of Spring Festival, a man was killed after he fell into the tiger enclosure while trying to get into the zoo in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province, without paying for a ticket.

No turning back the tide of globalization

[2017-02-12 13:07]

Delivering his keynote speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, President Xi Jinping reiterated China's commitment to opening-up and its firm opposition on trade protectionism.

Factories will add value to resources, economies

[2017-02-12 13:07]

As we move from the Year of the Monkey to the Year of the Rooster, African countries should now be thinking of how they can display the qualities of such a bird in tackling industrialization.

As tempers flare, EU must keep its cool

[2017-02-12 13:07]

There is no doubt that Donald Trump has made an extraordinarily successful debut as an American politician.

Trump's letter sends a positive message

[2017-02-10 08:08]

President Xi Jinping received a letter from Donald Trump on Wednesday, in which the US President said he looked forward to working with the Chinese leader "to develop a constructive relationship" that benefits both countries.

Sign of Party's accountability

[2017-02-10 08:08]

Two former top officials with the Ministry of Civil Affairs have received disciplinary punishments including demotion and early retirement for failing to supervise subordinates, China's top anti-corruption body said on Wednesday.

Clear charging standards for judicial expertise required

[2017-02-10 08:08]

A LAWYER FROM CHENGDU in Southwest China's Sichuan province has revealed on his micro blog that the cost of the judicial expertise for a case, which involved checking a signature, a fingerprint and two stamps, was 170,000 yuan ($24,767). The judicial expertise agency responded that it followed a national charging regulation. However, that regulation was abolished last May. Lao Yue, a retired prosecutor, commented on Beijing News:

Legal boundaries to US presidential powers

[2017-02-10 08:08]

US PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP on Wednesday defended his travel ban on the citizens of seven predominantly Muslim nations, arguing that his legal authority to limit immigration should not be challenged in courts. Beijing News commented on Thursday:

Discussions can build consensus on tough issues

[2017-02-10 08:08]

ON FEB 8, Mao Qun'an, director general of the department of communications of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said after a few days of heated national debate, that surrogacy will not be made legal due to moral and social concerns. Beijing News commented on Thursday:

Trumping the yuan in a volatile world

[2017-02-10 08:08]

At the recently concluded World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, President Xi Jinping mounted a robust defense of globalization, reaffirming his country's "open-door" policy and pledging never to seek to start a trade war or to benefit from depreciation of its currency. Soon after, US President Donald Trump, in his inaugural address, effectively made the opposite pledge: using the word "protect" seven times, he confirmed that his "America First" doctrine means protectionism.

Belittle not the humble glutinous rice ball

[2017-02-10 08:08]

North and South China are distinguished not only by geography and weather, but also by the way people there prepare their food. Northerners cannot understand how jellied bean curd can be sweet, just as southerners cannot fathom why rice dumplings have to be anything but salty.
