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Stock regulator's fighting talk

[2017-02-13 08:36]

In a speech at the annual work meeting of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Friday, Liu Shiyu, the commission chairman, said no one will be allowed to create "wind and rain" in the stock market and vowed to capture those who suck the blood of small investors.

Benefits to patients should be basis for reforming public hospital salaries

[2017-02-13 08:36]

IN AN ATTEMPT TO GUARANTEE THAT those working for public hospitals are paid in compliance with their professional performance and services, an overhaul of the salaries for medical staff is to be tried out in chosen regions. Beijing Youth Daily commented on Saturday:

Unlicensed copycat cultural relics violate law

[2017-02-13 08:36]

THOUSANDS OF FORGED TERRACOTTA WARRIORS were on exhibition in Taihu county, East China's Anhui province, without the consent or authorization of officials overseeing the real ones. Beijing News commented on Saturday:

Supervising staffs' behavior after work must not go too far

[2017-02-13 08:36]

A NURSE IN Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, was given a warning by her employer and fined three months' performance salary as penalty, after she was found playing mahjong in the hospital canteen after work. Beijing News commented on Saturday:

Trump right to reaffirm US' commitment to one China

[2017-02-13 08:36]

Three months after being elected US president, Donald Trump made the wise decision to honor the United States' longstanding one-China policy, affirming it in a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Better manage risks inherent in Big Data

[2017-02-13 08:36]

In the last 15 years, we have witnessed an explosion in the amount of digital data available - from the Internet, social media, scientific equipment, smart phones, surveillance cameras, and many other sources - and in the computer technologies used to process it. "Big Data", as it is known, will undoubtedly deliver important scientific, technological, and medical advances. But Big Data also poses serious risks if it is misused or abused.

Discrimination has no place on TV shows

[2017-02-13 08:36]

A comedy show about phone scams, telecast as part of the Spring Festival gala on Beijing TV on Jan 28, has aroused more questions than laughter, because the supposed swindler's voice-over on the show had an obvious Henan accent.

A greener future is key to energy security

[2017-02-12 13:07]

The global energy landscape is about to be adjusted again. Since the second half of last year, the global oil and gas market has witnessed changes, with the low prices that had lasted for about two years beginning to increase.

Great tourism statistics? Give us a break

[2017-02-12 13:07]

By comparing different sets of statistics, even those from the official media outlets, one can learn a lot about the Chinese economy, its strengths and weaknesses.

May's tough search for trading partners

[2017-02-12 13:07]

Even before she embarked on what turned out to be a controversial visit to the Trump White House, Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May said she planned an early trip to China that would focus on boosting trade.

Seventy can be a dangerous age, sometimes

[2017-02-12 13:07]

When you hit threescore years and 10, as I have just done, several things happen. Young people stand up on the Underground subway and offer you their seats, girls smile at you and, here at China Daily, much attention is paid to the grey hairs and the perceived wisdom that goes with it.
