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Ecological folly fishing with pesticide

[2017-06-08 07:34]

TWO MEN have been arrested after they were found pouring 25 bottles of pesticide into a river in Bijie, Southwest China's Guizhou province, in a bid to catch fish "more easily". China Youth Daily commented on Wednesday:

Ripping farewells to school life have now had their day

[2017-06-08 07:34]

A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT from Nanchong, Southwest China's Sichuan province, wrote a letter to the cleaners at her school, seeking their pardon and understanding for her classmates' ripping up their schoolbooks as a way of releasing their growing exam pressure. Yanzhao Metropolis Daily comments:


[2017-06-08 07:30]

An eventful 40-year journey for gaokao

[2017-06-08 07:34]

Editor's note: On the 40th anniversary of the resumption of the national college entrance examinations, four academics and a journalist share their views with China Daily's Wu Zheyu:

Poll will influence UK attitude to Brexit

[2017-06-08 07:34]

Amid fears and confusion over the London Bridge terror attack, in which seven people were killed and 48 injured, the United Kingdom is set to go to the polls on Thursday. Undaunted by the three terror attacks in the UK in less than three months, Prime Minister Theresa May said her administration will step up the fight against Islamist extremism and complete the UK's divorce with the European Union on schedule.

US exit from Paris pact can help energy shift

[2017-06-08 07:34]

US President Donald Trump withdrew his country from the 2015 Paris climate change agreement on June 1, raising concerns across the globe. But his decision was not unexpected, because the Republican Party was opposed to the Paris climate pact from the beginning, and during his presidential campaign Trump had criticized the global agreement.

Rating agencies are obliged to act with utmost responsibility

[2017-06-08 07:34]

On June 1, the European Union's market regulator fined Moody's German branch 750,000 ($844,900) and British branch 490,000 for failing to abide by the EU's rating regulatory rules. The EU move, together with Beijing's rebuttal of Moody's downgrading of China's credit rating, reflects the controversial role rating agencies play in the global economy.

SCO expected to consolidate regional solidarity at summit

[2017-06-07 07:39]

In recent years, the annual summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has grabbed increasing global attention due to its growing influence in regional affairs.

A boon, but also a bane

[2017-06-07 07:39]

According to the traffic control department of the Ministry of Public Security, the number of motor vehicles in China exceeded 300 million by the end of March, with 8.2 million vehicles newly registered in the first quarter of the year.

Local officials must be made aware healthy environment is a priorit

[2017-06-07 07:39]

Local officials must be made aware healthy environment is a priority

Social security cards get new lease on life

[2017-06-07 07:39]

CHINA'S THIRD-GENERATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS, which are reportedly capable of contactless operation and connected to many online service platforms, will be piloted in some regions this year. Guangming Daily commented on Tuesday:

Graduates of college's service course serve to meet domestic need

[2017-06-07 07:39]

THE FIRST BATCH of 330 college students to major in household services graduated from Shanghai Open University on Sunday. Guangzhou Daily comments:
