Winners and losers at the London Olympics

Updated: 2012-08-14 07:57:53

( China Daily)

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Every Olympic Games has its winners and losers - not just among the athletes and competing nations - who stand out from the crowd and take praise or punishment as the host city steps into the limelight. Here are 10 of those who came away from London 2012 with a golden glow and 10 who might be wishing they had done things differently - or had never gotten involved in the first place.


1. Volunteer Lady

"I listened to the Olympics from outside and I heard a bit. It was faint but I still heard it. I heard them having fun and celebrating and I felt happy inside. I felt a warmth in my heart and I carried on".

Sitting on a chair directing spectators, armed with a megaphone and a deliciously deadpan delivery, Volunteer Lady proved a YouTube sensation as she intoned, "I cannot contain my excitement". More than 1.6 million people clicked on the clip. The exceptional volunteers were a feel-good story of the Games.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

2. Michael Phelps

Winner of a record eight golds in Beijing four years ago, the man with the Midas touch heads into retirement with another haul to take his tally to 18 golds and 22 medals. The greatest swimmer can now lay claim to being the most-decorated Olympian.

Phelps left London knowing the President of the United States has his mobile number on speed dial. He achieved everything he set out to do. Did he pee in the pool? Of course he did.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

3. Usain Bolt

He talked, he danced, he ran and he made friends with the Swedish women's handball team - three of whom were photographed with him in the early hours after his 100-meter gold.

"Lightning" Bolt, the great showman on the track, entered the history books as the only man to do the double-double after defending his 100 and 200m crowns. He then made it a three-peat with relay gold. The gangly 25-year-old may get faster and will definitely get richer. He has every chance of banking in excess of $20 million a year.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

4. Bradley Wiggins and British Cycling

"The Modfather" of cycling, a man of musical taste whose sideburns triggered a craze for cut-out cardboard replicas worn by fans lining the road and shouting, "Here Wiggo". Winner of the Tour de France ("Allez Wiggo"), the people's hero won the time trial to claim a fourth career gold and become briefly the most decorated British Olympian with seven medals.

Fellow cyclist Chris Hoy later pedalled ahead of him on "gold difference" with his seventh medal, and sixth gold. It provided "Hoy Joy" for headline writers overcome by the "Hoy Wonder" and determined to trumpet Britain's "Pride and Hoy".

5. Flag Sellers

In fact the sellers of anything to do with Team GB, as the host nation celebrated its most successful Games since 1904 with a medal bonanza and more golds being racked up than even the oldest of citizens could remember. Even 101-year-old torch relay runner Fauja Singh was not born last time that happened.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

6. Women Athletes

Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shaherkani. You may struggle to remember the name, and she lasted just 80 seconds on the judo mat, but the shy 17-year-old's presence was felt around the world as the first Saudi woman to compete at an Olympics.

London was the first Games with women on every national team and competing in every sport. Women's boxing was such a success in its debut that there may be double the medals next time.

7. Seb Coe

The chairman of organizing committee LOCOG. True to form as a double Olympic 1,500m champion, he got into his stride early and barely put a foot wrong in a Games that had the athletes center stage.

Presiding over a great Olympics has undoubtedly boosted his hopes of becoming the next president of athletics' world governing body IAAF. Eventual membership in the International Olympic Committee is also surely a matter of time.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

8. Boris Johnson

Despite being left dangling from a zipwire and suffering the ire of cab drivers before the Games, as well as retailers who accused him of frightening off shoppers with his booming warnings across the underground rail system of potential transport snarls, the maverick mayor has been a constant cheerleader for London and provided some of the most memorable soundbites.

Bullish and boisterous, Boris has ridden a wave of 'Olympomania' and been rewarded by popularity polls that, if not putting him "zoink" off the fever scale, have left him well clear of any other Conservative politician. He teased the French, charmed the Queen and even had a haircut.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

9. Twitter

The first Twitter Olympics, with the highs and lows and everything in between, all chronicled in 140 characters or less.

10. Royalty

"Good evening, Mr Bond". Rarely have four words uttered by Queen Elizabeth caused such delight. Her Majesty had a good Games, appearing in her first film role and then formally opening the show. Her daughter and grand-daughter got in on the act, the former presenting the latter with an equestrian silver medal, while Princes William and Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge never seemed to have any problems getting tickets for events.


1. G4S

The failure of the world's largest security firm to provide a promised 10,400 guards caused a political storm and wiped $1.1 billion off its market value as well as losing it up to 50 million pounds ($78.45 million) on the 284 million pound contract.

"Many would take the view that the reputation of the company is in tatters," one parliamentarian told company chief executive Nick Buckles. "I think, at the moment, I have to agree with you," he replied.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

2. Australian Swimmers (Brits Too)

"The Missile" missed its target. James Magnussen had the celebratory tattoo of Olympic rings all planned but the 100m freestyle title slipped through his fingers by 0.01 of a second.

The Australians won 10 medals in the pool and immediately ordered a review into what went wrong. Britain, with a far greater population, took just three but masked that failure by crowing about all their other successes elsewhere.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

3. Badminton

The expulsion of eight Chinese, Indonesian and South Korean players for deliberately throwing away their matches to secure a better run to the medal rounds will leave a sizeable scar on the sport. Those kicked out after the farcical scenes included China's world champions Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli.

4. The British Taxpayer

The Games cost Britain about 9 billion pounds ($14.1 billion) and were still talked of in terms of austerity. The main stadium has yet to find a tenant for after the Games and there is still the possibility of a White Elephant lumbering into view. The citizens of Montreal called their Olympic Stadium 'The Big O'. It turned into 'The Big Owe'. Enjoy the party.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

5. Yelena Isinbayeva

A failure only in relation to what she has achieved in the sport. The Russian had set pole vault world records in her previous two Olympic finals and was going for a third successive title, but American Jennifer Suhr failed to read the script and beat her. Isinbayeva ended up with the bronze.

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

6. Drug Cheats

Dopey dopers are always losers. In London, 11 were eliminated from competition either by the IOC or national federations since the start of the competition period on July 16. Italy's 2008 race walk champion Alex Schwazer owned up to injecting EPO after flying to Turkey and buying it over the counter from a pharmacist.

7. Umbrella Vendors

The sun actually shined some of the time. After fears of torrential downpours, following one of the wettest months on record, and worries about the opening ceremony being a washout, Londoners enjoyed their own golden moments. Yes, it did rain - it would not be London without - but Andy Murray won at Wimbledon with the roof open.

8. The Great British Loser

Heroic failures and plucky losers be gone. Britons looked around and found they quite liked winning. Often. The cartoon of a man banging his television set because it had not shown a British winner for 20 minutes and therefore must be faulty summed it up.

"Brits historically got used to being the plucky losers," said Hoy, the country's most successful Olympian after celebrating his sixth gold. "It is like it is almost inevitable that the Brits are going to be beaten at some point and I think that is starting to change."

Winners and losers at the London Olympics

9. London Shopkeepers and Cab Drivers

Shops in central London and the West End, usually chock-full of shoppers, reported empty aisles while restaurants lamented vacant tables as locals and tourists avoided the area in the first week of the Games and commuters worked from home. The arrival of thirsty swimmers, rowers and others who had finished their events provided a late boost for nightclubs, however.

The drivers of London's famed black cabs, never short of an opinion or three, were unhappy with "Zil Lanes" for VIPs hitting their earnings. One dived off the Tower Bridge in protest, which will give him plenty to talk about to future passengers.

10. Nay-Sayers and Doom-Mongers

Remember how they said the trains wouldn't work, traffic gridlock was inevitable, the opening ceremony would make Britain a laughing stock, London would be turned into Siege City and chaos was guaranteed?



Medal Count

1 46 29 29
2 38 27 22
3 29 17 19
4 24 25 33
5 13 8 7
6 11 19 14

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