World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

UN reports tensions in Libyan town

2012-02-28 10:37

The situation remains tense in the southeastern Libyan town of Kufra, where the death toll from recent inter-ethnic clashes is at least 100 and half the population has fled.

Piracy 'gaining ground' in Gulf of Guinea

2012-02-28 10:16

Pascoe said here Monday that despite the best efforts of governments and organizations, piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is becoming an even greater threat.

Angolan president meets with UN chief

2012-02-28 10:10

Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos welcomed visiting UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon who is on a two-day official visit to the African country.

Sudan signals possibility of military options

2012-02-28 10:04

Sudan on Monday indicated a possibility of using military options against South Sudan in response to what Khartoum terms as "repeated aggressions" by the south on Sudan's territories.

Saleh hands over power to new president

2012-02-27 19:43

Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh on Monday formally handed over power to new President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, marking the end of his 33-year rule in the Arab country.

Mandela discharged from hospital

2012-02-27 05:15

South Africa's former president Nelson Mandela was discharged on Sunday from hospital after doctors declared nothing "seriously wrong" with his health.

Mandela admitted to hospital in South Africa

2012-02-25 17:21

Former South African president Nelson Mandela was admitted to hospital for treatment for a "long-standing abdominal complaint", the government said.

'Friends of Syria' recognize opposition

2012-02-25 06:50

Participants gathering at the Friends of Syria Conference in Tunis endorsed the Syrian National Council (SNC) as the "legitimate representative" of the Syrian people.

'Friends of Syria' mull UN cease fire resolution

2012-02-25 04:58

Delegates at the Friends of Syria Conference on Friday in Tunis are mulling a United Nations cease fire resolution to guarantee access of humanitarian aid to Syrian civilians.

Egypt's presidential hopeful hurt in carjack

2012-02-24 17:06

A potential presidential candidate in Egypt was injured by gunmen who robbed him of his car late on Thursday, the state media reported on Friday.

UN chief hails support to AU force in Somalia

2012-02-23 10:26

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon on Wednesday welcomed the Security Council's choice to add personnel and funding to the African Union (AU) peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

Rebels release 49 peacekeepers in Darfur

2012-02-21 06:43

The rebel Justice and Equality Movement in the Darfur region said it has released 49 members of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur.
