World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Climate change talks begin today

2011-11-28 07:22

Delegations are gathering together in Durban to start the new round of talks, in an effort to slash greenhouse gas emissions and reduce risks to humanity. Debt crisis may harm battle Special

Ethiopia benefits from China's policy

2011-11-28 06:38

China-Africa Overseas Leather Factory in Ethiopia said on Sunday it is significantly benefited from the tariff-free policy of China for least developed countries (LDCs) that are exporting to China.

Ganzouri: New cabinet will swear in within 3 days

2011-11-26 22:27

Egypt's appointed PM Kamal al-Ganzouri said Saturday after his meeting with the youth organization that the new cabinet will swear in within 3 days, Egypt's state TV said.

Parade to increase climate change awareness

2011-11-26 14:36

Traditional Zulu women participate in a carnival procession during a Pre-COP17 Climate Change Awareness event through the streets of Durban, Nov 25, 2011.

Empty gas pipeline in Egypt's Arish attacked

2011-11-25 19:46

Several masked saboteurs blew up an empty gas pipeline in Arish, Egypt's North Sinai on Friday morning.

Truce quiets Cairo, vote to go ahead

2011-11-25 09:15

A truce between Egyptian police and protesters succeeded on Thursday in calming violence that has killed 39 people, and the army said there would be no delay to a parliamentary vote scheduled for next week.

Egypt army picks new PM, protesters plan mass rally

2011-11-25 06:38

Egyptian former prime minister Kamal Ganzouri accepted a request from the ruling generals to form a new government, state media reported.

Egyptian court orders release of 3 US students

2011-11-24 21:49

Egyptian officials say a court has ordered the release of three American students arrested this week during the unrest in Cairo.

11 soldiers injured in Kenya by roadside blast

2011-11-24 17:04

Some 11 soldiers were injured on Thursday after a military vehicle they were boarding was hit by a roadside bomb in Mandera, a town in northern Kenya bordering Somalia and Ethiopia.

Egypt's military apologizes for deaths in clashes

2011-11-24 16:40

Egypt's ruling military council apologized for the deaths in the clashes which started over the weekend on its official Facebook page early Thursday.

Police prepared for climate change talks

2011-11-24 09:00

The South African authorities are setting up special courts in the port city of Durban in its preparation for the November28 to December 9 United Nations climate change talks.

China ready to work with Libya's new govt

2011-11-24 08:21

China welcomes the formation of Libya's interim government and wishes to push forward the China-Libya relationship, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
