World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Libyan forces say they captured part of Sabha

2011-09-20 11:41

Libya's interim government said its forces seized the airport and fort in Sabha, one of the last strongholds of forces loyal to Muammar Gadhafi which also controls the main route south out of Libya.

Sickle Cell disease a major illness

2011-09-20 10:22

Ghana said here on Monday that Sickle Cell disease is "a major disease entity" for the people in West and Central Africa.

Ugandan police warn of terror attacks

2011-09-20 10:05

Ugandan police have warned of biological and chemical terror attacks on the East African country, local media reported here on Monday.

UN chief deplores deadly attack in Burundi

2011-09-20 09:54

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Monday strongly condemned the armed attack that took place Sunday near Burundi's capital that killed and injured scores of people.

Libya's NTC denies abuse of black Africans

2011-09-19 22:36

Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) pledged on Monday to treat foreigners accused of fighting for ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi well, and denied that anti-Gaddafi fighters had committed systematic abuse of Africans.

Libyans flee Sirte as fighters ready big guns

2011-09-19 21:44

Hundreds of families fled Muammar Gaddafi's birthplace of Sirte on Monday as fighters sent by Libya's new rulers to capture the city rolled up with huge rocket launchers and artillery guns.

Gaddafi loyalists say capture 17 foreign mercenaries

2011-09-19 20:54

Fugitive ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's loyalists said on Monday they had captured 17 mercenaries -- some British and French -- in what would amount to a sharp setback for the country's new rulers and their international backers

Sudan, south sign security deal over tense border

2011-09-19 13:31

Sudan and South Sudan signed a border security agreement on Sunday, making a step towards improving ties after tensions built up for weeks over violence in border areas and sharing of oil revenues.

Pirates hold kidnapped woman in Somalia

2011-09-19 09:59

Somali pirates are holding in central region of Somalia a British woman kidnapped last week after her husband was killed in Kenyan town of Lamu, witnesses said Sunday.

17 'mercenaries' captured: Gadhafi spokesman

2011-09-19 09:38

A spokesman for Muammar Gadhafi said on Sunday that 17 "mercenaries", including what he called French and British "technical experts" had been captured in the Gadhafi bastion of Bani Walid in Libya.

'Give UN big role' in Libya rebuilding

2011-09-19 09:03

BEIJING - China will be among those calling for the United Nations to be given a prominent role in Libya's post-war reconstruction at the upcoming New York "Friends of Libya" conference, analysts said.

NTC meets resistance

2011-09-19 09:02

Libyan fighters closing in on Muammar Gadhafi's birthplace from the east captured a nearby town on Saturday only to have their advance stopped in its tracks by fierce resistance from forces loyal to Gadhafi.
