World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

NTC: Gaddafi believed to be in Bani Walid

2011-09-01 17:37

Muammar Gaddafi is in a desert town outside Tripoli planning a fight-back, a Libyan military chief said on Thursday, as Libya's interim rulers met world leaders to discuss reshaping the nation.

Russia recognises Libya's NTC

2011-09-01 15:11

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday it has recognized Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) as the legitimate government of the north African country.

Gnus migrate across Mara River in Kenya

2011-09-01 10:57

When grass withers at Serengeti National Park in north Tanzania, flocks of wildebeests, zebras and antelopes living there start their annual migration to Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

Dam burst kills over 100 in Nigeria

2011-09-01 10:46

Heavy rain and flooding caused an abrupt dam burst in southwest Nigeria over the weekend, killing 102 people, media reports said Wednesday.

Gadhafi's son vows continued resistance

2011-09-01 09:33

In an audio tape broadcast on a Syrian TV channel, Saif al-Islam, the second son of toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, Wednesday urged Gadhafi's loyalists to continue resistance against the rebels.

Nigeria: 2 suspects arrested in UN HQ bombing

2011-08-31 21:13

Nigeria's secret police said it arrested two suspected members of a radical Muslim sect that organized a car bombing at the United Nations' headquarters in the oil-rich nation that killed 23 people.

British police killer suspect found in Libya

2011-08-31 11:30

Libya's new interim leadership knows the whereabouts of one of the former diplomats wanted for the 1984 killing of a British woman police officer outside the Libyan embassy in London, Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper said on Wednesday.

Libyan rebels say they're closing in on Gadhafi

2011-08-31 11:18

Libyan rebels say they're closing in on Muammar Gadhafi and issued an ultimatum Tuesday to regime loyalists in his hometown of Sirte, his main remaining bastion: surrender this weekend or face an attack.

Libya to go ahead with African Nations Cup qualifier

2011-08-31 11:00

Libya will play in the African Nations Cup qualifiers this weekend but a match originally switched to Mali will now be played in Egypt.

Rebels demand Algeria return Gaddafi family

2011-08-30 19:35

Libyan rebels Tuesday called on the Algerian government to hand back Libyan strongman Muammar Gadhafi's wife and three children.

Rebels demand Algeria return Gadhafi family

2011-08-30 15:08

Libya's rebels accused neighbouring Algeria of an act of aggression for admitting the fleeing wife of Muammar Gadhafi and three of his children, but the whereabouts of the former strongman himself remain a mystery a week after his overthrow.

Report: Gadhafi war crimes in Misrata widespread

2011-08-30 13:09

Forces loyal to fallen Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi committed a vast array of possible war crimes while battling rebels in Misrata, the country's third largest city, according to a report issued on Tuesday by a US-based human rights group.
