World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Algeria govt to maintain food subsidy

2011-09-26 09:24

Algeria has no intention to withdraw subsidy on consumer products, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Rachid Benaissa said on Saturday.

Libya finds mass grave from massacre

2011-09-26 06:41

Libya's interim rulers said on Sunday they had found a mass grave containing the bodies of 1,270 inmates killed by Muammar Gaddafi's security forces in a 1996 massacre at a prison in southern Tripoli.

NTC troops enter Gaddafi's hometown

2011-09-25 14:39

Bloodshed continued Saturday in the turbulent North Africa as fighters of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) marched into Gaddafi's hometown Sirte.

University students questioned over cyber rape

2011-09-25 08:05

A police commissioner in Nigeria says investigators have questioned two university students in connection to a gang-rape video posted on the Internet that sparked outrage in the country.

NTC forces enter hometown of Gadafi

2011-09-24 21:19

The forces of Libya's ruling National Transitional Council (NTC), backed by NATO warplanes, have marched into Sirte, the hometown of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, after fierce fighting with troops loyal to Gaddafi.

Egyptian military ruler testifies in Mubarak's trial

2011-09-24 20:30

The chairman of Egyptian Supreme Council (SCAF) of the Armed Forces, Hussein Tantawi testified on the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Saturday morning, state TV reported.

Libya to annouce new govt

2011-09-24 17:13

Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) said Friday it would announce a "crisis" government in the next few days while its troops are reported to have entered the eastern gate of Sirte, hometown of the ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi.

Libya interim govt to be announced - NYC

2011-09-23 21:44

An interim government in Libya will be announced within the next few days and include 22 ministerial portfolios, a spokesman for the North African country's transitional rulers said on Friday.

NATO to stay in Libya as long as needed:UK's Hague

2011-09-23 20:55

NATO's military action in Libya will last as long as needed, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Tuesday, contradicting ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Latest developments in the Libyan conflict

2011-09-23 06:37

Following are the latest political and military developments in the Libyan crisis.

Tunisia confirms it arrested former Libyan PM

2011-09-22 23:04

Tunisian authorities have arrested Al Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi, who served as Libyan prime minister until Muammar Gaddafi was deposed last month, an official in the Tunisian Interior Ministry told Reuters on Thursday.

Libyan forces say taken whole city of Sabha

2011-09-22 22:36

Forces loyal to Libya's new government have occupied all districts of Sabha, until now a stronghold of supporters of deposed leader Muammar Gadhafi, and are investigating reports Gadhafi may have fled the city.
