World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Horn of Africa may see less rain

2012-03-02 09:46

The Horn of Africa which has been affected by a severe drought in 2010 and 2011 may see less rainfall during the main rainy season runningthis year.

S Africa criticizes Moody's downgrade

2012-03-02 09:38

South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan criticized the world-famous credit rating agency Moody's for downgrading its financial institutions.

2 kidnapped Chinese freed in Cairo

2012-03-01 19:09

Two Chinese workers who were kidnapped on Thursday morning have been released, a Chinese embassy official said.

2 Chinese workers kidnapped in Cairo

2012-03-01 15:15

Two Chinese workers with a local stone material factory were kidnapped by unknown gunmen in southern Cairo on Thursday morning.

South African's ANC expels youth leader

2012-03-01 09:52

The ruling African National Congress expelled its youth league leader Julius Malema from the party for sowing division in the party ranks.

Kenya's choice of EU exports seen as risky

2012-03-01 09:41

Kenya's increasing gap between imports and the exports has been linked to its prevailing exports to the European Union.

One UN peacekeeper killed in Darfur

2012-03-01 04:26

One UN peacekeeper was killed and three others injured in an ambush in the Sudanese region of Darfur, a UN spokesman told reporters.

Algeria settles issue of gas double price

2012-02-29 10:31

Double price of gas, an issue troubling Algeria's accession talks with the WTO, has been settled, Algerian Director of Relations with the WTO said.

Somali radio station director killed

2012-02-29 10:25

The director of Somaliweyn radio, Abukar Hassan, was killed by marked gunmen in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, police officer confirmed on Tuesday.

Egyptian judges of NGO case drop out

2012-02-29 10:23

Egyptian judges in charge of the NGO trial on Tuesday decided to drop out from the case, official news agency MENA reported.

Foodies drive gourmet market boom in S. Africa

2012-02-29 08:09

The former Cape Town biscuit factory, reworked into a shabby-chic urban setting, is just one of the gourmet markets that have popped up in South Africa.

Helicopter crashes in Sudan

2012-02-28 10:44

A helicopter crash is seen in Al-Faw, an area of Sudan's Gedaref state, February 27, 2012.
