World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Libyan rebels say final moment has come

2011-08-21 08:07

Libyan rebels said Sunday the final moment has come for the battle of Tripoli to topple Muammar Gaddafi, amid media reports of revolts in the capital against the Libyan leader.

Pirates hijack ship with 21 Indian sailors

2011-08-20 21:37

Somali pirates hijacked a tanker managed by an Indian firm and with 21 Indian sailors on board on Saturday from an Omani port, India's government shipping agency and a Gulf shipping source said, the second such incident in the Gulf Arab state's waters since January.

Gadhafi family may fly to Caracas

2011-08-19 21:14

A Venezuelan plane has landed on the island of Djerba to evacuate members of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi's family, Tunisian radio, Mosaique FM, reported on Friday.

China's food aid to reach drought-hit Africa

2011-08-19 16:36

The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Friday that the two batches of foodstuff donated by China for drought-hit northeastern African nations will mostly arrive before the end of September.

SADC committed to peaceful solutions

2011-08-19 10:46

Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos said on Thursday that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) was committed to peaceful solutions to conflicts.

Libyan PM calls for dialogue to crisis

2011-08-19 09:24

Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi Ali Mahmudi on Thursday called for dialogue to solve the Libyan crisis, saying that peaceful means is the necessary choice.

France, Germany, Britain jointly urge Assad to quit

2011-08-19 06:48

French, German and British leaders on Thursday called for further sanctions against Syrian authorities on the European level.

Egypt to try ex-Mubarak aide for graft

2011-08-18 18:18

The head of Egypt's anti-graft authority, Assem el-Gohari, has ordered a top aide of ousted President Hosni Mubarak to be tried on charges of corruption and illegal profiteering, local newspapers reported on Thursday.

Syria's Assad says stops police operations

2011-08-18 13:08

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that military and police operations against pro-democracy protesters had stopped, the United Nations said on Wednesday.

UN chief calls for stopping police operations in Syria

2011-08-18 13:05

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday called for an immediate cease of all military operations and mass arrests in Syria during a phone conversation with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Two killed in terrorist attack in Algeria

2011-08-18 09:47

A driver of a local police chief and a road transport operator in Algeria's northern province of Tizi Ouzou were killed in an ambush on Wednesday morning.

Muslim world pledges support to Somalia

2011-08-18 09:35

Muslim nations pledged here Wednesday to contribute $350 million to support famine- hit Somalia, where some 3.2 million people are estimated to be on the brink of starvation.
