World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Egypt's finance minister resigns after clash

2011-10-11 22:25

Egypt's Finance Minister Hazem el-Beblawi has quit over the government's handling of a protest by Coptic Christians on Sunday night.

Liberia's presidential elections kick off

2011-10-11 17:05

Liberians on Tuesday went to the polling stations throughout the country to cast their votes for the presidential and legislative elections.

Egypt probes fatal violence between troops, Copts

2011-10-11 09:18

Egypt's SCAF held an urgent meeting on Sunday 's fatal clashes and commissioned Prime Minister Essam Sharaf's cabinet to form a fact-finding committee to investigate the incident.

NATO to stay in Libya as long as it takes

2011-10-11 09:03

The North-Atlantic alliance is to remain deployed in Libya as long as there are threats to the local civil population, NATO Secretary General said.

Ship attacked by pirates off Somalia

2011-10-11 05:50

An Italian ship came under attack by five pirates off the coast of Somalia on Monday, its owner said, and one pirate said the vessel was under their control.

Gadhafi escorted family to Algerian border

2011-10-10 20:42

Gadhafi had reportedly escorted his family members to the border with Algeria on August 29 to make sure of their safe entry into the neighboring country.

War in Libya to end soon

2011-10-10 17:06

As its forces fiercely attacked fallen Libyan leader Gadhafi's last two bastions, the interim government claimed Sunday the fighting could end next week.

NTC says battles may end next week

2011-10-10 09:23

The head of the ruling Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) Mustafa Abdel-Jalil said Sunday that it is possible to end the battles next week in Bani Walid and Sirte.

Clashes in Cairo leave 19 dead

2011-10-10 09:12

Clashes between protestors and security forces in downtown Cairo left 19 dead and 183 injured on Sunday, raising new concerns about Egypt's security and stability ahead of parliamentary elections.

Libya govt forces seize hospital in Sirte

2011-10-09 21:17

Libyan transitional government forces seized the main hospital in the city of Sirte on Sunday, a Reuters witness said.

Sudan, South Sudan settle disputes jointly

2011-10-09 20:48

Sudan and South Sudan on Sunday agreed to form joint committees to settle all the outstanding issues between them according to specific time frame.

Libya govt says captures Sirte landmark targets

2011-10-09 20:47

Libyan transitional government forces said on Sunday they had captured the university and a conference centre in Muammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte.
