World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Turkish medics treat 30,000 Somalis

2011-10-18 08:47

Nearly 30,000 Somalis have been treated in tent hospitals and shelters set up by the Turkish Health Ministry in Mogadishu, the capital of famine-stricken Somalia.

Arab League calls for dialogue in Syria

2011-10-17 13:19

The Arab League plans to bring together Syria's government and opposition groups to seek ways to end the violence in the country, Qatar's Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said Sunday.

Kenya sends troops in Somalia

2011-10-17 11:43

Kenya deployed columns of troops into neighbouring Somali and launched an offensive against al Shabaab militants on Sunday, helping to drive the al Qaeda-linked militants out of two bases.  

Liberia to hold 2nd-round election

2011-10-17 09:34

Liberia is expected to hold a second-round presidential election on November 8 as no candidate grasps an absolute majority in the first round.

Distribution big challenge for business

2011-10-17 09:30

Companies trying to do business in Africa find that distribution is their biggest challenge, according to Business Times newspaper in Johannesburg on Sunday.

Libya's Bani Walid 'liberated'

2011-10-17 08:30

An official of Libya's NTC said Sunday that Bani Walid, one of a couple of remaining strongholds of fallen leader Muammar Gadhafi, has been "liberated."

Libya's NTC steps back from Sirte

2011-10-17 06:26

Fighters of Libya's ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) on Sunday retreated from several positions in the northern coastal town of Sirte, so as to allow NATO to bomb sites that are holding up the remaining forces of the previous leadership.

Libyan forces say raised flag in Bani Walid

2011-10-17 06:18

Libyan interim government forces entered the pro-Muammar Gadhafi bastion of Bani Walid on Sunday and raised Libya's new flag, a senior military commander said.

Libyans say they uncover secret Gadhafi-era morgue

2011-10-17 04:08

In a Tripoli's hospital,fighters loyal to NTC discovered remains of 17 people, including a baby, in what staff said was a secret morgue for Gadhafi's opponents.

Egypt begins trial of former PM Obeid

2011-10-17 02:11

Egypt began the trial on Sunday of former Prime Minister Atef Obeid and other officials accused of illegally selling an island nature reserve to a businessman close to Mubarak.

Libyan NTC slows down in Sirte

2011-10-16 08:09

Fighters of the Libyan ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) on Saturday slowed down their attacks in the northern coastal town of Sirte.

Gadhafi gunmen and NTC forces clash in Tripoli

2011-10-15 04:24

Gunfights broke out in Tripoli on Friday between supporters of Gadhafi and forces of the NTC raising fears of an insurgency against the country's new rulers.
