World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Gaddafi mobilizes supporters for battle

2011-08-15 10:30

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi Monday called upon his supporters to gear up for a campaign to liberate rebel-held towns.

Gadhafi urges Libyans to fight NATO

2011-08-15 09:35

Libyan state television early on Monday broadcast what it said was a live speech by Muammar Gadhafi calling on the Libyan people to arm themselves to liberate the country from "traitors and from NATO."

Somalia to protect aid convoys

2011-08-15 07:13

Somalia called on Saturday for the establishment of a new force to protect food aid convoys and camps in this country racked by famine and declared a state of emergency in parts of Mogadishu.

Lawyers press demand in Mubarak security head trial

2011-08-14 20:11

The trial of Egypt's former interior minister over the death of protesters in an 18-day uprising resumed on Sunday, with lawyers for the dead demanding the government reveal letters and logs of phone calls to discover who gave the order to open fire.

Libyan rebel forces enter Zawiyah

2011-08-14 07:32

The Libyan rebels have made advance in the west front by entering Zawiyah city, about 40 km west of the capital Tripoli.

UN chief warns of casualties in Libya

2011-08-12 15:47

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has voiced concern at rising civilian casualties in Libya and called for a political solution to end the conflict.

South African economy to grow 3.4%

2011-08-12 10:19

South Africa's economy is still expected to grow at a rate of 3.4 percent this year despite the global financial turmoil.

US offers aid to Horn of Africa

2011-08-12 10:13

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday announced an additional 17 million dollars in humanitarian aid to the Horn of Africa region hit hard by drought and famine.

Libyan rebels capture part of Brega

2011-08-12 10:10

On the eastern front near Brega, Libyan rebels have captured the residential districts of the oil town on Thursday but Gaddafi's forces still hold western parts of the town.

Reshuffle of Libya opposition group could restore confidence

2011-08-11 11:46

The US State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said on Wednesday that the reshuffle of the National Transitional Council (NTC), Libya's main opposition group, is a chance to restore confidence for the opposition leadership.

Rebels issue timetable for post-Gadhafi constitution

2011-08-11 10:29

Libyan rebels had formulated a timetable concerning its constitution-drafting in post-Gadhafi era, National Transitional Council (NTC) spokesman Abdel Hafiz Ghoga announced on Wednesday at a press conference.

EU reinforces sanctions on Libya

2011-08-11 09:35

The European Union (EU) on Wednesday extended assets freeze to two further Libyan entities to strengthen pressures on the embattled authorities.
