World / Africa

Egypt's Mubarak gets 3 years for graft

A Cairo court convicted ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement on Wednesday, sentencing him to three years in prison.

Libyan rebels say Muammar Gaddafi surrounded

2011-08-25 22:14

Libyan rebels Wednesday besieged a group of apartment buildings near the seized military compound of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli where they believed the embattled strongman may be hiding.

Libyan embassy to Pakistan changes flag

2011-08-25 17:29

Libyan embassy in Islamabad Thursday removed the old state green flag and hoisted the flag of the rebels who have occupied most parts of Tripoli, Libyan ambassador to Pakistan said.

Rebels hunt Gadhafi relatives, loyalist in Tripoli

2011-08-25 10:11

Rebels fought gun battles in Tripoli with loyalists of Muammar Gadhafi on Wednesday as they hunted for his relatives and supporters, Reuters witnesses and an Arab television station said.

Bounty offerred for Gadhafi as fight goes on

2011-08-25 07:11

The NATO military alliance is giving intelligence and reconnaissance assistance to Libyan rebels hunting Muammar Gaddafi and his sons, British defence minister Liam Fox said on Thursday.

Rebels take military base in Zuara: TV

2011-08-25 06:49

Libya's rebel troops Wednesday took control of the Mazraq al-Shams army base in Libya's port city of Zuara, some 60 km from the Tunisian border, the Dubai-based Al Arabiya TV reported.

US asks UN to unfreeze $1.5b Libyan assets

2011-08-25 06:40

The UN Security Council met behind closed doors Wednesday afternoon upon the request from the Unites States to discuss whether to unfreeze US$ 1.5 billion Libyan assets.

Rebels offers amnesty for anyone turning in Gadhafi

2011-08-25 06:37

Head of Libya's rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) Mustafa Abdul Jalil said on Wednesday that those who kill or catch Gadhafi will be pardoned for crimes of the past.

Iran warns Libyans against foreign interference

2011-08-24 16:15

Iranian lawmakers said Tuesday Libyans should not allow foreign interference in the formation of a new Libyan government, the local ISNA news agency reported.

NATO responsible for civilian deaths in Libya

2011-08-24 11:50

A US congressman said on Tuesday that NATO must be held accountable for civilian deaths in Libya, accusing the organization of "illegally" pursuing regime change and "recklessly" bombing the civilians.

Gadhafi should be put on trial: Germany

2011-08-24 10:04

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has said Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi should be brought to court if and when he is captured, local media reported on Tuesday.

Gadhafi can resist for years: spokesman

2011-08-24 09:50

A spokesman for Muammar Gadhafi said in remarks broadcast on Wednesday that the Libyan leader was ready to resist rebels who have seized the Libyan capital Tripoli for months, or even years, and vowed to turn Libya into "volcanoes, lava and fire".

Gadhafi says retreat from compound tactical move

2011-08-24 08:39

Embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said early Wednesday that the withdrawal from the Bab al- Azizya compound in the capital of Tripoli was a tactical move, local al-Orouba TV reported.
