Opinion / Chen Weihua

Chen Weihua

Chen Weihua is the Chief Washington Correspondent of China Daily and Deputy Editor of China Daily USA. He has a particular focus on US politics and US-China relations.

People with disabilities deserve dignity

[2014-10-24 07:25]

China's top legislature should make more specific laws regarding the treatment of people with disabilities.

Investment treaty would serve Obama legacy

[2014-10-17 07:51]

Entwined economic and trade relations have been a major anchor for the China-US relations over the decades.

News reporting should be fair and balanced

[2014-10-10 07:55]

"Occupy Central" is newsworthy, but how to report it in an objective and balanced way seems to be a challenge for both Chinese and Western journalists.

US should respect sovereignty of others

[2014-09-25 07:51]

US President Barack Obama likes to talk about international laws and respect for other nations' sovereignty, but he himself violated it blatantly on Tuesday when he ordered airstrikes in Syria.

The good, the bad, and the ugly of the US

[2014-09-19 07:13]

United States President Barack Obama, a 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate, has declared two wars in the last two weeks, but they are of totally different kinds.

Snowden nails US lie on its economic spying

[2014-09-13 07:42]

With the latest Snowden revelation, we can better understand why Obama and the US government want to keep alive the monstrous NSA.

Leaders should set cooperative tone

[2014-09-04 07:53]

US President Barack Obama is visiting Beijing to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit on Nov 10 and 11.

King's dream remains an elusive goal

[2014-08-28 07:01]

Thursday marks the 51st anniversary of the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom led by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. His "I Have a Dream" speech made on Aug 28, 1963, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, was a cry for an end to racism in the United States.

Western polluters are free riders in China

[2014-08-22 07:54]

The most populous nation on the planet has to fundamentally change its "pollute first and treat later" mentality and not to repeat the blunder committed by many Western countries decades ago.

Nothing could be further from the truth

[2014-08-15 07:32]

There was plenty of criticism about how the US has ignored Africa and lags behind not only China, but also Brazil, India and Europe in engaging Africa in development.

The real story of China in Africa

[2014-08-08 08:18]

It was a pleasant surprise to hear the announcements in Chinese on an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Washington to Addis Ababa. It shows the welcome arms Ethiopia is extending to Chinese.

US must drop bias to help resolve crisis

[2014-08-01 07:32]

The news from Gaza of innocent Palestinian civilians, including many women and children, being killed by Israeli fire is heartbreaking.

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