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Pick up the slack

2010-10-18 09:40
"Pick up the slack," is an American expression meaning "to do the work that someone else has stopped doing, but which still needs to be done."

length and breadth of

2010-10-14 11:12
When an "issue affects families and communities the length and breadth of China," it affects all families and communities.

get up to speed on something

2010-10-11 09:32
"Up to speed" means be fully informed of or up to date on something.


2010-10-11 09:25


2010-09-20 10:48

Borrowed time

2010-09-16 11:50
Death is an inevitable consequence of life, so we are all living on borrowed time.

On a shoestring

2010-09-16 11:44
To survive on a shoestring is to survive on very little. In other words, to eke out a living.


2010-09-13 16:31

Shake a leg

2010-09-09 09:10
"Shake a leg" means to rouse yourself from sleep and get out of bed. Now it means "to hurry up."

Sing to a new tune

2010-09-08 11:48
Baidu singing to a new tune means that it is trying something new.