Opinion / From Overseas Press

China still has a long way to go

[2011-06-08 16:11]

Although the IMF predicted China will replace the United States as the world's largest economy by as early as 2016, it is too premature to glorify China's model of state-led capitalism and sound the death knell for America's economic dominance, argues Nita Ghei in an op-ed piece in the Washington Times on June 3.

Chinese drive up Vancouver home price

[2011-06-07 16:00]

Aside from its already rising housing prices, a fresh wave of Chinese buyers has helped propel Vancouver into one of the world's hottest real-estate market, according to an article published by the Wall Street Journal on June 1.

China should scrap price controls

[2011-06-04 11:51]

For China to relieve the most severe water shortage in 60 years in the Yangtze River area and the most critical shortage of electricity since 2004, the government will have to scrap its longtime price controls, suggests an opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal on June 2.

Western grads head to China for internships

[2011-06-03 16:39]

More Western graduates are making their way to China for internships, hoping that their work experience in China will help them stand out in a tough market, says an article in the Wall Street Journal on May 30.

What Asian century?

[2011-06-02 15:16]

Although the 21st century has been widely predicted as the "Asian century", it is now looking increasingly as if the rising continent is in fact in the last stage of "economically outperforming the rest of the world," asserts Philip Bowring in an op-ed piece in the International Herald Tribune on May 17.

China's rising inequality

[2011-06-01 15:58]

In China, where your parents work or whether they are rich or not apparently matters more than anything else as far as prospects are concerned, says an article on Economist.com on May 30.

Animal rights debate rages on in China

[2011-05-31 15:10]

Although more than a month has passed since animal rights activists rescued a truckload of dogs along the Beijing-Harbin Highway, the debates triggered by this particular incident are alive and still raging in China, says an article in the Washington Post on May 20.

US must adapt to China's new growth patterns

[2011-05-27 16:08]

The US should focus less on "the China threat" and formulate a more consistent and constructive strategy to benefit from China's economic growth, says an article on the World Politics Review website on May 24.

What 'containing China' means

[2011-05-26 16:35]

China will not engage in expansion, and the US does not need to contain China's rise, says James Holmes, an associate professor of strategy at the US Naval War College, in an article on the website of Japan's The Diplomat magazine on May 24.

Young scientist should experiment with China

[2011-05-25 13:54]

With the shrinking of funding for science and technology, it is not easy for graduates in the US hoping to become scientists. Going to emerging powers like China may become their better choice instead.

Alpha male syndrome

[2011-05-24 17:35]

As former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Arnold Schwarzenegger are involved in sex scandals, one can’t help asking: What drives alpha males to keep on having affairs?

Traveling at the speed of China

[2011-05-23 15:31]

With China's rapid rise, it is only a matter of time before it will take the lead in global wealth and innovation, says Bill Bonner in the Christian Science Monitor on May 19.
