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Humor Joke 幽默笑话



2006-11-27 08:00

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents.


2006-05-18 08:00
As the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light, I asked the driver, "Do you agree that 'Time is money'?"


2006-05-17 08:30
One day a father was teaching his son and said, "The keys to your success are keeping your word and cleverness. Once you promise somebody a promise, you must carry it out no matter what will happen. This is called 'keeping one's word.'


2006-05-16 08:00


2006-05-15 08:00


2006-05-12 00:46
The other day a Chinese told me that to go with the traditional custom, one's marriage has to be decided by his or her parents and that accordingly. Her mother's marriage was arranged by her grandparents, but her sister has broken the tradition.


2006-01-18 08:00
Teacher: Would you rather have one half of an orange or five tenths?


2006-01-17 08:00
Teacher of Physical Education: Have you ever seen mixed doubles, boys?


2006-03-06 08:41


2006-03-03 08:00
"Mommy, my turtle is dead," the little boy, Myrddin, sorrowfully told his mother, holding the turtle out to her in his hand.


2008-06-06 09:37
A poor man entered a doctor’s consulting-room. He looked very unhappy.


2008-06-05 09:19
No doubt about it, my fellow monk, Father Martin, was a bit of an absent-minded professor. He often filled in for sick priests at other parishes, and one Saturday he found himself on a train to a new destination, frantically searching his pockets for his ticket.


2008-06-04 09:50
I couldn't decide whether to go to Salt Lake City or Denver for vacation, so I called the airlines to get prices.


2008-06-03 09:00
Recently, a man walked into my barbershop asking how much for a haircut.


2008-06-02 08:53
A smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit, "Hey mom, the doctor says I have no cavities. "


2008-05-30 09:09
This bloke is lying on his deathbed, surrounded by his weeping wife and his four children. Three of the children are tall, good looking and athletic, but the fourth and youngest is an ugly runt.


2008-05-29 10:06
My youngest brother, Tony, had just completed basic training and was home on leave prior to his first tour in Germany. Since I was an Army National Guard pilot and my another brother was my crew chief, we offered to take Tony to catch his transport overseas.


2008-05-28 08:48
I wanted to make my mark as the new food-service officer at a recruit training center. The menu was loaded with red meat, so I devised a new one to reduce cholesterol. I substituted chicken for beef, and awaited comments from the suggestion box.


2008-05-27 09:07
A little boy bustled into a grocery one day with a memorandum in his hand.


2008-05-26 09:03
One day a boy came to his teacher and said:" Teacher, pa wants to know if you like roast pig."